Ile czasu Klienci spędzają w Galeriach Handlowych?


Klienci w Galeriach Handlowych spędzają w nich średnio 100 minut, podczas których są w nich także odbiorcami różnych form reklam IN-STORE MEDIA, do których należą: IN-STORE RADIO i VIDEOMARKETING. Emitowane są one z systemu nagłośnienia obiektu i wyświetlane na nośnikach DIGITAL SIGNAGE. Jak wynika z raportu Millward Brown z 2016 r. ponad połowa odwiedzających Galerie Handlowe i wydających w nich pieniądze, przebywa tam od 40 minut do 2 godzin.

Warto wykorzystać tak długi czas przebywania Klientów w Obiektach Handlowych, aby dotrzeć do nich z odpowiednim przekazem reklamowym. W IMS S.A. oferujemy możliwość dotarcia do ponad 260 milionów Klientów miesięcznie, w ponad 2100 lokalizacjach, na ponad 800 ekranach. Nasi eksperci każdorazowo pomagają w wyborze najodpowiedniejszych lokalizacji i nośników, które umożliwiają dotarcie do wybranego grona odbiorców. W naszej ofercie jest także: KONTENT REKLAMOWY oraz atrakcyjny KONTENT NEUTRALNY, przygotowywane przez posiadających dużą wiedzę i doświadczenie w swojej pracy, ekspertów IMS S.A. ds. reklamy Video.


On average, customers in Shopping Malls spend 100 minutes in them, during which they also receive various forms of IN-STORE MEDIA advertising, including IN-STORE RADIO and VIDEOMARKETING. The advertising are emitted from the object’s sound system and displayed on DIGITAL SIGNAGE media. According to the Millward Brown report from 2016, more than half of visitors to Shopping Centers and spending money in them, stay there from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

It is worth taking advantage of such a long time spent by Customers in Commercial Facilities to reach them with the appropriate advertising message. At IMS S.A. we offer the opportunity to reach over 260 million customers per month, in over 2,100 locations, on over 800 screens. Our experts always help in choosing the most suitable locations and carriers that enable reaching the selected group of recipients. Our offer also includes: ADVERTISING CONTENT and attractive NEUTRAL CONTENT, prepared by IMS S.A. experts with extensive knowledge and experience in their work. Video Advertising.


On average, customers in Shopping Malls spend 100 minutes in them, during which they also receive various forms of IN-STORE MEDIA advertising, including IN-STORE RADIO and VIDEOMARKETING. The advertising are emitted from the object’s sound system and displayed on DIGITAL SIGNAGE media. According to the Millward Brown report from 2016, more than half of visitors to Shopping Centers and spending money in them, stay there from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

It is worth taking advantage of such a long time spent by Customers in Commercial Facilities to reach them with the appropriate advertising message. At IMS S.A. we offer the opportunity to reach over 260 million customers per month, in over 2,100 locations, on over 800 screens. Our experts always help in choosing the most suitable locations and carriers that enable reaching the selected group of recipients. Our offer also includes: ADVERTISING CONTENT and attractive NEUTRAL CONTENT, prepared by IMS S.A. experts with extensive knowledge and experience in their work. Video Advertising.


On average, customers in Shopping Malls spend 100 minutes in them, during which they also receive various forms of IN-STORE MEDIA advertising, including IN-STORE RADIO and VIDEOMARKETING. The advertising are emitted from the object’s sound system and displayed on DIGITAL SIGNAGE media. According to the Millward Brown report from 2016, more than half of visitors to Shopping Centers and spending money in them, stay there from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

It is worth taking advantage of such a long time spent by Customers in Commercial Facilities to reach them with the appropriate advertising message. At IMS S.A. we offer the opportunity to reach over 260 million customers per month, in over 2,100 locations, on over 800 screens. Our experts always help in choosing the most suitable locations and carriers that enable reaching the selected group of recipients. Our offer also includes: ADVERTISING CONTENT and attractive NEUTRAL CONTENT, prepared by IMS S.A. experts with extensive knowledge and experience in their work. Video Advertising.


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