Specjaliści IMS wdrożyli Audiomarketing w centrum wspinaczkowym Murall


Jest nam niezmiernie miło poinformować, że centrum wspinaczkowe MURALL w Warszawie postawiło na AUDIOMARKETING od IMS. W tym nowo otwartym obiekcie sportowym, mieszczącym się przy ul. Krakowskiej 61, rozbrzmiewa playlista przygotowana specjalnie dla tego miejsca. Idealnie koresponduje ona zarówno z charakterem obiektu, jak i gustem jego Klientów, tworząc w nim miłą i przyjemną atmosferę.

AUDIOMARKETING wdrożony w MURALL przy ul. Krakowskiej, jest poszerzeniem udanej współpracy między IMS a centrami wspinaczkowymi tej marki. Usługę AUDIOMARKETINGU wdrożyliśmy już w obiekcie MURALL przy ul. Annopol 3 w Warszawie.

W IMS S.A. eksperci muzyczni każdorazowo dobierają oprawę dźwiękową tak, aby idealnie pasowała do specyfiki miejsca, celów biznesowych marki, jak i gustu Klientów. Dzięki temu każdy z naszych Parterów otrzymuje unikalną, szytą na miarę playlistę, która zapewnia wyjątkową oprawę muzyczną brandu. W naszej ofercie jest zarówno muzyka komercyjna, jak i MUZYKA BEZ OPŁAT (czyli MUZYKA BEZ ZAIKS).

MURALL przy ul. Krakowskiej to nowoczesna, europejskiej klasy boulderownia o powierzchni 2000 m2, podzielona na mniejszą strefę dla początkujących i dzieci oraz ogromną strefę dla bardziej zaawansowanych. Jedną z największych atrakcji obiektu jest potężny dach, zasługujący na miano warszawskiej Jaskini Mamutowej, o powierzchni 11 m i 6 m wysokości, wyposażony w materac ustawiony po skosie.

Autorzy zdjęć: Aleksandra Druktowska i Szymon Aksienionek, źródło: Murall.[:en]

We are pleased to inform you that the MURALL climbing center in Warsaw has chosen AUDIOMARKETING from IMS. In this newly opened sports facility, located at ul. Krakowska 61, a unique playlist is played. It corresponds perfectly with both the character of the object and the taste of its customers, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

AUDIOMARKETING implemented in MURALL at Krakowska street, is an extension of the successful cooperation between IMS and the climbing centers of this brand. We have already implemented the AUDIOMARKETING service in the MURALL facility at Annopol 3 steet in Warsaw.

At IMS S.A. music experts always choose the soundtrack to perfectly match the specificity of the place, the brand’s business goals as well as the taste of customers. As a result, each of our partners receives a unique, tailor-made playlist that provides a unique musical setting for the brand. Our offer includes both commercial music and MUSIC WITHOUT FEES.

MURALL at ul. Krakowska is a modern, European-class boulder workshop with an area of ​​2000 m2, divided into a smaller zone for beginners and children, and a huge zone for the more advanced. One of the biggest attractions of the object is the huge roof, deserving of the name of the Warsaw Mammoth Cave, with an area of ​​11 m and 6 m high, equipped with a mattress arranged diagonally.


We are pleased to inform you that the MURALL climbing center in Warsaw has chosen AUDIOMARKETING from IMS. In this newly opened sports facility, located at ul. Krakowska 61, a unique playlist is played. It corresponds perfectly with both the character of the object and the taste of its customers, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

AUDIOMARKETING implemented in MURALL at Krakowska street, is an extension of the successful cooperation between IMS and the climbing centers of this brand. We have already implemented the AUDIOMARKETING service in the MURALL facility at Annopol 3 steet in Warsaw.

At IMS S.A. music experts always choose the soundtrack to perfectly match the specificity of the place, the brand’s business goals as well as the taste of customers. As a result, each of our partners receives a unique, tailor-made playlist that provides a unique musical setting for the brand. Our offer includes both commercial music and MUSIC WITHOUT FEES.

MURALL at ul. Krakowska is a modern, European-class boulder workshop with an area of ​​2000 m2, divided into a smaller zone for beginners and children, and a huge zone for the more advanced. One of the biggest attractions of the object is the huge roof, deserving of the name of the Warsaw Mammoth Cave, with an area of ​​11 m and 6 m high, equipped with a mattress arranged diagonally.


We are pleased to inform you that the MURALL climbing center in Warsaw has chosen AUDIOMARKETING from IMS. In this newly opened sports facility, located at ul. Krakowska 61, a unique playlist is played. It corresponds perfectly with both the character of the object and the taste of its customers, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

AUDIOMARKETING implemented in MURALL at Krakowska street, is an extension of the successful cooperation between IMS and the climbing centers of this brand. We have already implemented the AUDIOMARKETING service in the MURALL facility at Annopol 3 steet in Warsaw.

At IMS S.A. music experts always choose the soundtrack to perfectly match the specificity of the place, the brand’s business goals as well as the taste of customers. As a result, each of our partners receives a unique, tailor-made playlist that provides a unique musical setting for the brand. Our offer includes both commercial music and MUSIC WITHOUT FEES.

MURALL at ul. Krakowska is a modern, European-class boulder workshop with an area of ​​2000 m2, divided into a smaller zone for beginners and children, and a huge zone for the more advanced. One of the biggest attractions of the object is the huge roof, deserving of the name of the Warsaw Mammoth Cave, with an area of ​​11 m and 6 m high, equipped with a mattress arranged diagonally.


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