Sky Tower oraz Arkady Wrocławskie wzbogacają oprawę sensoryczną


Do grona Klientów IMS S.A. korzystających z usługi AROMAMARKETINGU, dołączyły SKY TOWER we Wrocławiu oraz C.H. ARKADY WROCŁAWSKIE. W obiektach tych zainstalowane zostały urządzenia, które wypełniają części wspólne Galerii Handlowej oraz punkt widokowy SKY TOWER, specjalnymi, dedykowanymi zapachami. Usługą objęte zostały także ciągi toaletowe.

Jest nam niezmiernie miło, że grono Klientów IMS S.A. chcących stworzyć sensoryczne logo oraz jeszcze przyjemniejszą atmosferę w swoich obiektach, stale się powiększa. Usługa AROMAMARKETINGU polega na dobraniu do marki i miejsca sprzedaży, odpowiedniego, szytego na miarę zapachu, który Klientowi będzie się jednoznacznie kojarzył się z danym brandem oraz umili mu pobyt w obiekcie.

ARKADY WROCŁAWSKIE to wyjątkowy kompleks handlowo-usługowy położony w centrum Wrocławia. SKY TOWER to z kolei najwyższy budynek we Wrocławiu, który został zaprojektowany tak, by zachwycać i zapewniać mieszkańcom najwyższy komfort.

Sky Tower Wrocław, źródło: Develia

Sky Tower Wrocław
Sky Tower Wrocław, źródło: Develia
Sky Tower Wrocław
Sky Tower Wrocław, źródło: Develia
Arkady Wrocławskie Wrocław
Arkady Wrocławskie Wrocław, źródło: Develia


SKY TOWER in Wroclaw and ARKADY WROCLAWSKIE  shopping center joined the group of clients of IMS S.A., who use the AROMAMARKETING service.  Devices that fill the common areas of the Shopping Center and the SKY TOWER viewpoint with special, dedicated fragrances, were installed in these facillities. The service also covers toilet lines.

We are very pleased that the group of clients of IMS S.A. wanting to create a sensory logo and an even more pleasant atmosphere in their facilities, is constantly growing. The AROMAMARKETING service consists in matching the brand and place of sale with an appropriate, tailor-made fragrance associated with the brand which make time spent in the facility more pleasant.

ARKADY WROCLAWSKIE is a unique shopping and service complex located in the center of Wroclaw. SKY TOWER is the tallest building in Wroclaw, which has been designed to delight and provide residents with the highest comfort.

Sky Tower Wroclaw, source: Develia
Sky Tower Wroclaw, source: Develia
Sky Tower Wrocław
Sky Tower Wroclaw, source: Develia
Sky Tower Wrocław
Sky Tower Wroclaw, source: Develia
Arkady Wrocławskie Wrocław
Arkady Wrocławskie Wroclaw, source: Develia


SKY TOWER in Wroclaw and ARKADY WROCLAWSKIE  shopping center joined the group of clients of IMS S.A., who use the AROMAMARKETING service.  Devices that fill the common areas of the Shopping Center and the SKY TOWER viewpoint with special, dedicated fragrances, were installed in these facillities. The service also covers toilet lines.

We are very pleased that the group of clients of IMS S.A. wanting to create a sensory logo and an even more pleasant atmosphere in their facilities, is constantly growing. The AROMAMARKETING service consists in matching the brand and place of sale with an appropriate, tailor-made fragrance associated with the brand which make time spent in the facility more pleasant.

ARKADY WROCLAWSKIE is a unique shopping and service complex located in the center of Wroclaw. SKY TOWER is the tallest building in Wroclaw, which has been designed to delight and provide residents with the highest comfort.

Sky Tower Wroclaw, source: Develia
Sky Tower Wroclaw, source: Develia
Sky Tower Wrocław
Sky Tower Wroclaw, source: Develia
Sky Tower Wrocław
Sky Tower Wroclaw, source: Develia
Arkady Wrocławskie Wrocław
Arkady Wrocławskie Wroclaw, source: Develia


SKY TOWER in Wroclaw and ARKADY WROCLAWSKIE  shopping center joined the group of clients of IMS S.A., who use the AROMAMARKETING service.  Devices that fill the common areas of the Shopping Center and the SKY TOWER viewpoint with special, dedicated fragrances, were installed in these facillities. The service also covers toilet lines.

We are very pleased that the group of clients of IMS S.A. wanting to create a sensory logo and an even more pleasant atmosphere in their facilities, is constantly growing. The AROMAMARKETING service consists in matching the brand and place of sale with an appropriate, tailor-made fragrance associated with the brand which make time spent in the facility more pleasant.

ARKADY WROCLAWSKIE is a unique shopping and service complex located in the center of Wroclaw. SKY TOWER is the tallest building in Wroclaw, which has been designed to delight and provide residents with the highest comfort.

Sky Tower Wroclaw, source: Develia
Sky Tower Wroclaw, source: Develia
Sky Tower Wrocław
Sky Tower Wroclaw, source: Develia
Sky Tower Wrocław
Sky Tower Wroclaw, source: Develia
Arkady Wrocławskie Wrocław
Arkady Wrocławskie Wroclaw, source: Develia


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