Sklepy Tatuum na Węgrzech z Audiomarketingiem od IMS


AUDIOMARKETING od IMS został wdrożony w kolejnych salonach prestiżowej marki TATUUM. Tym razem usługą zostały objęte wszystkie punkty handlowe tego brandu na Węgrzech, co jest kontynuacją udanej współpracy między IMS a TATUUM. Do tej pory wdrożyliśmy już AUDIOMARKETING w 61 salonach tej marki w Polsce.

Specjaliści IMS, specjalnie dla TATUUM, przygotowali playlistę idealnie korespondującą z wyjątkowym charakterem tej marki, jej założeniami biznesowymi, a także gustem jej Klientów. Ma to na celu stworzenie w punktach handlowych tej firmy jeszcze przyjemniejszej atmosfery.

MARKETING SENSORYCZNY od IMS S.A. to skuteczne narzędzie budowania działającego na zmysły i emocje Klientów, logo marki. Nasze grono Partnerów stale się powiększa, dzięki czemu AUDIOMARKETING dostarczamy już do ponad 18 000 lokalizacji w Polsce i Europie. Oprócz szytej na miarę playlisty, oferujemy także wdrożenie systemu nagłośnienia, każdorazowo dostarczając produkt najwyższej jakości, w atrakcyjnej cenie.

TATUUM to marka, która tworzy piękne kolekcje ubrań i akcesoriów, charakteryzujące się wysoką jakością i komfortem. Oferuje produkty zarówno dla kobiet, jak i mężczyzn. TATUUM istnieje na rynku już od ponad 20 lat i posiada salony w całej Polsce, jak również w Czechach i na Węgrzech.

Źródło: Tatuum
Źródło: Tatuum


AUDIOMARKETING from IMS has been implemented in subsequent showrooms of the prestigious TATUUM brand. This time, the service covers all retail outlets of this brand in Hungary, which is a continuation of the successful cooperation between IMS and TATUUM. We have already implemented AUDIOMARKETING in 61 showrooms of this brand in Poland.

IMS specialists have prepared a playlist perfectly corresponding to the unique character of the TATUUM brand, its business assumptions, as well as the taste of its customers. This results in creations an even more pleasant atmosphere at the sales points of this company. 
SENSORY MARKETING from IMS S.A. is an effective tool for building a brand logo that works on the senses and emotions of customers. Our group of Partners is constantly growing, thanks to which AUDIOMARKETING is already delivering to over 18,000 locations in Poland and Europe. In addition to the tailor-made playlist, we also offer the implementation of a sound system, each time delivering the highest quality product at an attractive price.TATUUM is a brand that creates beautiful collections of clothes and accessories, characterized by high quality and comfort. Offers products for both women and men. TATUUM has been on the market for over 20 years and has showrooms throughout Poland, as well as in the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Źródło: Tatuum
Source: Tatuum


AUDIOMARKETING from IMS has been implemented in subsequent showrooms of the prestigious TATUUM brand. This time, the service covers all retail outlets of this brand in Hungary, which is a continuation of the successful cooperation between IMS and TATUUM. We have already implemented AUDIOMARKETING in 61 showrooms of this brand in Poland.

IMS specialists have prepared a playlist perfectly corresponding to the unique character of the TATUUM brand, its business assumptions, as well as the taste of its customers. This results in creations an even more pleasant atmosphere at the sales points of this company. 
SENSORY MARKETING from IMS S.A. is an effective tool for building a brand logo that works on the senses and emotions of customers. Our group of Partners is constantly growing, thanks to which AUDIOMARKETING is already delivering to over 18,000 locations in Poland and Europe. In addition to the tailor-made playlist, we also offer the implementation of a sound system, each time delivering the highest quality product at an attractive price.TATUUM is a brand that creates beautiful collections of clothes and accessories, characterized by high quality and comfort. Offers products for both women and men. TATUUM has been on the market for over 20 years and has showrooms throughout Poland, as well as in the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Źródło: Tatuum
Źródło: Tatuum


AUDIOMARKETING from IMS has been implemented in subsequent showrooms of the prestigious TATUUM brand. This time, the service covers all retail outlets of this brand in Hungary, which is a continuation of the successful cooperation between IMS and TATUUM. We have already implemented AUDIOMARKETING in 61 showrooms of this brand in Poland.

IMS specialists have prepared a playlist perfectly corresponding to the unique character of the TATUUM brand, its business assumptions, as well as the taste of its customers. This results in creations an even more pleasant atmosphere at the sales points of this company. 
SENSORY MARKETING from IMS S.A. is an effective tool for building a brand logo that works on the senses and emotions of customers. Our group of Partners is constantly growing, thanks to which AUDIOMARKETING is already delivering to over 18,000 locations in Poland and Europe. In addition to the tailor-made playlist, we also offer the implementation of a sound system, each time delivering the highest quality product at an attractive price.TATUUM is a brand that creates beautiful collections of clothes and accessories, characterized by high quality and comfort. Offers products for both women and men. TATUUM has been on the market for over 20 years and has showrooms throughout Poland, as well as in the Czech Republic and Hungary.
Źródło: Tatuum
Source: Tatuum


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