AUDIOMARKETING – czyli oprawa muzyczna dopasowana do miejsca i gustu Klientów, to doskonałe narzędzie do budowania miłej i przyjemnej atmosfery w punktach i obiektach handlowych. MARKETING SENSORYCZNY oddziałujący na zmysł słuchu, ma bowiem za zadanie, m.in. budować pozytywne skojarzenia z daną marką. Jak pokazują wyniki badań Millward Brown, AUDIOMARKETING to wprost idealne narzędzie do osiągnięcia tego celu.
Aż 89% Klientów wyraża zadowolenie z wizyty w galerii handlowej, w której jest odtwarzana muzyka i reklamy dostarczane przez IMS S.A.
Pracujący w IMS S.A. doskonali eksperci od AUDIOMARKETINGU, idealnie dopasowują tworzone przez siebie playlisty (wśród których jest także MUZYKA BEZ ZAIKS czyli MUZYKA BEZ OPŁAT) zarówno do charakteru miejsca, Gustu Klientów, jak i strategii biznesowej danej firmy. Dzięki temu już od ponad 19-stu lat dostarczamy najnowocześniejsze rozwiązania MARKETINGU SENSORYCZNEGO ogromnej liczbie prestiżowych marek zarówno w Polsce, jak i za granicą.
AUDIOMARKETING – a musical setting tailored to the place and taste of customers, is a great tool to build a nice and pleasant atmosphere in commercial facilities. SENSORY MARKETING affecting the sense of hearing build positive associations with the brand. As the results of Millward Brown research show, AUDIOMARKETING is simply the perfect tool to achieve this goal.
As research results show, 89% of customers express their satisfaction with a visit in a shopping gallery, where music and advertising provided by IMS S.A. is played.
Employees at IMS S.A. are excellent experts in AUDIOMARKETING. They perfectly create playlists corresponding both to the the place, the taste of customers and the business strategy of a company.
We have been succesfully providing SENSORY MARKETING solutions for over 19 years to a huge number of prestigious brands both in Poland and abroad.
AUDIOMARKETING – a musical setting tailored to the place and taste of customers, is a great tool to build a nice and pleasant atmosphere in commercial facilities. SENSORY MARKETING affecting the sense of hearing build positive associations with the brand. As the results of Millward Brown research show, AUDIOMARKETING is simply the perfect tool to achieve this goal.
As research results show, 89% of customers express their satisfaction with a visit in a shopping gallery, where music and advertising provided by IMS S.A. is played.
Employees at IMS S.A. are excellent experts in AUDIOMARKETING. They perfectly create playlists corresponding both to the the place, the taste of customers and the business strategy of a company.
We have been succesfully providing SENSORY MARKETING solutions for over 19 years to a huge number of prestigious brands both in Poland and abroad.
AUDIOMARKETING – a musical setting tailored to the place and taste of customers, is a great tool to build a nice and pleasant atmosphere in commercial facilities. SENSORY MARKETING affecting the sense of hearing build positive associations with the brand. As the results of Millward Brown research show, AUDIOMARKETING is simply the perfect tool to achieve this goal.
As research results show, 89% of customers express their satisfaction with a visit in a shopping gallery, where music and advertising provided by IMS S.A. is played.
Employees at IMS S.A. are excellent experts in AUDIOMARKETING. They perfectly create playlists corresponding both to the the place, the taste of customers and the business strategy of a company.
We have been succesfully providing SENSORY MARKETING solutions for over 19 years to a huge number of prestigious brands both in Poland and abroad.