ESPI 39/2023 Information on transactions on shares of the company


The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. informs of the receipt on 03 October 2023 of the notification pursuant to Article 19 paragraph 1 of the MAR from the Vice President of the Board IMS S.A. Mr Wojciech Piwocki regarding the acquisition shares of IMS S.A.

The notification constitutes an attachment to this report.

ESPI 7/2023 Agreement with ZAiKS

Management Board of IMS S.A. (“Issuer”) announces that on 11 May 2023, its subsidiary Closer Music Sp. z o.o. (the “Company”, “Closer Music”), which deals in the construction and commercialisation of its own music libraries, signed an Agreement on Collective Management of Copyrights (the “Agreement”) and an Additional Agreement to the Agreement (the “Agreement”) with the Authors’ Association ZAiKS (ZAiKS).  Closer Music and ZAiKS agreed on the principles of cooperation relating to commercial music (licensed by ZAiKS) and DML (Direct Music Licensing – music licensed directly by Closer Music), as well as the principles determining ZAiKS’ settlements with Closer Music in respect of copyrights for works owned by Closer Music for the years 2020 – 2022 as well as those relating to 2023 and subsequent years.

The signed Agreement and Covenant are a very important step in the development of Closer Music and will also have a significant impact on the implementation of the strategy and development prospects of the entire IMS Group. The Issuer estimates that Closer Music’s net profit from the settlement for the years 2020 – 2022, which will be included in the 2023 report, will exceed 20% of the IMS Group’s consolidated net profit for the 2022 financial year. In the following periods, the Issuer expects even higher revenues and profits due to the growth of Closer Music’s repertoire in playlists, the increase in the number of commercial locations and the planned expansion of the cooperation with ZAiKS worldwide.

ESPI 14/2020 Information on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the activities of the IMS Capital Group – update

Management Board of IMS S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”), with reference to current report no. 12/2020 of 16th March 2012, informs about current situation of IMS Group:

I.   Sales and liquidity

January and February were the “standard” sales months. In March, with the lockdown lasting for 58% of the month days, IMS Group companies recorded a decrease in sales compared to February at the level of  5%-20%. The exception is IMS Events, where due to the specifics of the industry, basically all events were cancelled. Here, the decrease was over 80% (however, only by 77 thousand PLN in money terms). The key factor from the point of view of IMS Group is that we are maintaining the level of subscription locations. Customers generally do not terminate their subscription contracts, they expect mainly price discounts or temporary suspension of service – this applies to customers who, as a result of a decision of the state authorities, have had to close their outlets. On the other hand, a large number of advertising customers declare that the money unspent so far will be spent as soon as the shopping centres begin to operate normally. 

IMS Group has unused credit lines of PLN 15 million available at the time of publication of this current report. Despite their maturity being  in July this year,  the Issuer’s Management Board, in order to ensure the financial security for the organization, has already started taking actions concerning extension of the said credit lines’ periods.

II.  Austerity measures

The following austerity measures have been widely and efficiently implemented:

A/ Restructuring of employment. Employment in the entire IMS Group was reduced by 30 people (approx. 20% of the total). In addition, salaries were reduced for all employees in the entire IMS Group. Estimated savings from the above mentioned employment reduction measures are PLN 480 thousand per month. Applications for the government workplace subsidies have been submitted for the period between April and June. The estimated monthly subsidy amount is PLN 70 thousand. The total savings concerning the employment plus the subsidy for workplaces constitute more than 50% of the IMS Group’s monthly expenditure on fixed wages. The payment of all previously unpaid bonuses was suspended.

B/ Negotiations with suppliers. In the second half of March, we started renegotiating all possible costs in all the Group companies. Most of the companies cooperating with were very cooperative and agreed to various discounts and rebates. The discounts we obtained at the moment amount nearly to 100 thousand PLN/month in the period between April and June.

The Issuer’s Management Board follows the information concerning the so-called anti-crisis shield and the possibility of using various types of public support by IMS Group companies on a current basis. 

III.   Employees, functioning of the organisation 

The IMS Group is functioning normally. The vast majority of our employees are working from. We are working all the time with our customers regarding sales and payments. Even in times of crisis we are acquiring new customers and signing contracts for new subscription locations.

ESPI 13/2020 Change of the date of publication of annual reports for 2019

The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. informs about the change of the date for publication of the separate and consolidated annual reports for year 2019. Both reports will be published on 29th April 2020 and not on 31st March 2020 as the Company originally informed (according to current report No. 1/2020 of 20th January 2020).

Detailed legal basis: §80 paragraph 2 of the Regulation on current and periodic information.

ESPI 12/2020 Information regarding the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on the operations of the IMS Capital Group

The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”) in connection with the recommendation of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and the Polish Financial Supervision Authority informs about the effects of the spread of SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus causing COVID-19 disease on the Issuer’s operations and financial results. In line with the assessment as at 16 March 2020, the Issuer expects that the coronavirus pandemic may affect adversely (at leasts in short term – 2-4 month outlook) the financial results and operations of the IMS Capital Group (“IMS Group”). The effects cannot be estimated as at the date of preparation of this report and depend on factors which remain beyond the Issuer’s control. In particular, the coronavirus pandemic may affect adversely revenues from advertising services rendered mostly in shopping centres and event related operations. At the same time, it is not possible to estimate the potential effect of the government assistance on the situation and results of the IMS Group.

The Board of Directors of the Issuer will analyse the situation connected with the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on the operations and financial results of the IMS Group on an ongoing basis. Any new circumstances, having a significant effect on the financial results and the economic position of the Issuer will be published in separate communications.

ESPI 10/2020 Completion of the 1st Tranche of the Own Shares Buy-back Programme

The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”) with reference to current reports No. 4/2020 of 03.02.2020 and 5/2020 of 04.02.2020 informs that on 27th February this year the buy-back of own shares within the 1st Tranche of the Own Shares Buy-back Programme executed under Resolution No.10 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 21 January 2020 was completed and cleared.

Within this Tranche the Company acquired 325,000 shares of the total nominal value of PLN 6,500, representing 1.00% of the Issuer’s share capital and giving right to 325,000 votes in the GM (1.00% of total votes). The shares were acquired by the Company at the price of PLN 4.00 per share. In line with the provision of Resolution No.10 of 21 January 2020 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of IMS S.A. own shares of the Company were acquired to be redeemed.

As at 27 February 2020 the Issuer holds the total of 1,274,245 own shares with the nominal value of PLN 25,484.90, of which:

– 949,245 shares, which in line with the resolution of the EGM of 21 January this year are subject to redemption,

– 325,000 own shares acquired in the above mentioned Tranche.

The Issuer, pursuant to Article 364 section 2 of the Commercial Companies Code, does not exercise its right to vote from own shares held.

Detailed legal basis: Article 2 paragraphs 2 and 3 of the COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2016/1052

ESPI 8/2020 IMS S.A. Board Member resignation

The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. (“Company”) informs that on 24 February 2020 Mr Wojciech Grendziński tendered his resignation from the position of the Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Company effective from 31 May this year. The resignation was tendered for personal reasons.

Detailed legal basis:

§5(4) combined with §9 of the Regulations of the Minister of Finance on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognition as equivalent the information required by laws of non-EU member states.

ESPI 7/2020 The opinion of the Supervisory Board on the recommendation of the Board of Directors on dividend payment for year 2019

Oferta zakupu akcji IMS S.A. – pobierz

In connection with current report 6/2020, the Board of Directors of IMS S.A. (“Company”) informs that today the Supervisory Board of the Company adopted a resolution regarding the positive assessment of the recommendation of the Board addressed to the General Meeting concerning the payment of dividend out of 2019 profit in the amount of PLN 0.20 per share.

In line with the above mentioned recommendation, the sum allotted to be paid out as dividend to Shareholders will amount to not more than PLN 6,284,817.20.

The dividend will cover the maximum of 31,424,086 Company shares (i.e. the number of Issuer’s shares less shares deemed for redemption under resolution No. 4 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 21.01.2020). Due to the fact that the buyback of own shares which do not participate in the dividend is pending, the ultimate number of shares held by the Shareholders and giving right to dividend for 2019 as well as the amount of paid out dividends will be determined by the Board of Directors of the Company after the dividend has been approved by the General Meeting as at the dividend record date.

ESPI 6/2020 Estimated financial results of the IMS Capital Group for the year 2019 and the recommendation of the Board of Directors of IMS S.A. regarding payment of dividends

Oferta zakupu akcji IMS S.A. – pobierz

The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”) submits the estimated financial results of the IMS Capital Group (“IMS Group”) for the year 2019:


1. Revenue from sales: PLN 58.9m

2. EBITDA: PLN 18.0m

3. EBIT: PLN 11.9m

4. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company: PLN 9.5m.


Year 2019 was the year of investments in the IMS Group. The key ones are as follows:

– increasing human potential in the sales departments, mostly in Mood Factory Sp. z o.o. which acquires subscription locations in the local markets;

– extensive communication and marketing activities;  

– the project to build and commercialise own music libraries;

– the Aroma Next Generation project regarding creation of own, modern device for aroma marketing. 

In the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Issuer, taking into consideration extensively carried out investment operations, the IMS Group generated very good financial results in 2019. These investments have already brought first results. Year 2019 was record-high when it comes to the number of organically acquired subscription locations. The IMS Group increased the number of subscription locations held by 2,463. It was the first year in history when the organic growth of subscription locations exceeded 2,000. Out of 2,463 above mentioned locations as many as 1,494 (61%) were acquired in the period from August to December 2019, which means that their effect on 2019 results was relatively insignificant, whereas their effect on 2020 and further years results will be stronger. A similar investment year in the IMS Group, though on a much smaller scale when it comes to diversity of projects as well as incurred expenses, was year 2016. It resulted later in extremely good financial results in 2017 and 2018.

Generated results regarding EBITDA and numbers of acquired subscription locations are within the limits of targets published nearly four years ago in ESPI 27/2016 report of 23 May 2016. In the opinion of the Board, it illustrates the strength of the adopted and consistently implemented Issuer’s development strategy. 

Year 2019 was the first full financial year of APR Sp. z o.o. (“APR”) functioning within the IMS Group structure, the company was acquired in October 2018. In the opinion of the Board, this acquisition was a success for the Issuer. The preliminary financial results of APR for 2019 are as follows:

1. Revenue from sales: PLN 4,965,000 (an increase of 52% as compared to 2018)

2. EBITDA: PLN 1,254,000 (an increase of 136% as compared to 2018)

3. EBIT: PLN 966,000 (an increase of 238% as compared to 2018)

4. Net profit: PLN 914,000 (an increase of 533% as compared to 2018).

At the same time, the Board of Directors of IMS S.A. informs that, taking into consideration very good estimated results of the IMS Group for 2019 and the very good financial position of the the Issuer and the Group, it will recommend to the Supervisory Board and the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Company to pay out dividends for 2019 in the amount of PLN 0.20/share. The above mentioned recommendation means that the amount of PLN 6,284,817.20 will be allotted to payment of dividends to Shareholders. The dividend rate, considering the closing price of 07.02.2020, is 5.18%. The dividend will cover the maximum of 31,424,086 shares (i.e. the number of Issuer’s shares less shares deemed for redemption under resolution no. 4 of the Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting of 21.01.2020).  Due to the fact that the buyback of own shares which do not participate in the dividend is pending, the ultimate number of shares held by the Shareholders and giving right to dividend for 2019 as well as the amount of paid out dividends will be determined by the Board of Directors of the Company after the dividend has been approved by the AGM as at the dividend record date. It is the intention of the Board to recommend to the AGM to maintain the fixed value of the dividend of PLN 20/100 per share for the year 2019.

The above mentioned recommendation is in line with the dividend policy implemented in the IMS Group and published in 26/2016 current report  of 17.05.2016, which states that every year at least 60% of the consolidated net profit attributable to the parent company is allotted to be shared among the Shareholders.