ESPI 28/2019 Information regarding own shares acquired in the period from 10.06.2019 to 14.06.2019

Detailed list of transactions 10.06.2019 – 14.06.2019 – download

The Board of Directors of IMS Spółka Akcyjna with its registered office in Warsaw (“Company”) informs that in the period from 10.06.2019 to 14.06.2019 the Company acquired, through OPERA Dom Maklerski Sp. z o.o., 6,450 (six thousand four hundred and fifty) own shares at the average unit price of PLN 3.88. The total acquisition price, including the cost of acquisition, amounted to PLN 25,068.98. The shares were acquired under Tranche 7 of the Company Own Shares Buy Back Program.

In line with information submitted by OPERA Dom Maklerski Sp. z o.o.:

  • on 10.06.2019, 2,250 IMS S.A. shares were acquired constituting 0.0070% share in the share capital of the Company and 0.0070% votes in the General Shareholder Meeting. The average unit acquisition price was PLN 3.90;
  • on 11.06.2019, 1,000 IMS S.A. shares were acquired constituting 0.0031% share in the share capital of the Company and 0.0031% votes in the General Shareholder Meeting. The average unit acquisition price was PLN 3.88;
  • on 12.06.2019, 1,000 IMS S.A. shares were acquired constituting 0.0031% share in the share capital of the Company and 0.0031% votes in the General Shareholder Meeting. The average unit acquisition price was PLN 3.87;
  • on 13.06.2019, 1,100 IMS S.A. shares were acquired constituting 0.0034% share in the share capital of the Company and 0.0034% votes in the General Shareholder Meeting. The average unit acquisition price was PLN 3.87;
  • on 14.06.2019, 1,100 IMS S.A. shares were acquired constituting 0.0034% share in the share capital of the Company and 0.0034% votes in the General Shareholder Meeting. The average unit acquisition price was PLN 3.84.

The detailed list of transactions conducted in the period from 10.06.2019 to 14.06.2019 is included in the attachment to this report.

The nominal value of one share is PLN 0.02, and the total nominal value of shares acquired on the dates mentioned above was PLN 129.00. The acquired block of shares constitutes 0.0202% of the Company’s share capital and gives 6,450 votes constituting 0.0202% votes in the General Shareholder Meeting of the Company.

At present the Company holds in total 154,089 own shares, constituting 0.48% of the Company’s share capital and giving 154,089 votes constituting 0.48% of votes in the General Shareholder Meeting of the Company.


Detailed legal basis: Article 2 paragraph 2 and 3 of the COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2016/1052

ESPI 27/2019 Information regarding own shares acquired in the period from 06.06.2019 to 07.06.2019

Detailed list of transactions 06.06.2019 – 07.06.2019 – download

The Board of Directors of IMS Spółka Akcyjna with its registered office in Warsaw (“Company”) informs that in the period from 06.06.2019 to 07.06.2019 the Company acquired, through OPERA Dom Maklerski Sp. z o.o., 4,420 (four thousand four hundred and twenty) own shares at the average unit price of PLN 4.00. The total acquisition price, including the cost of acquisition, amounted to PLN 17,738.06. The shares were acquired under Tranche 7 of the Company Own Shares Buy Back Program.

In line with information submitted by OPERA Dom Maklerski Sp. z o.o.:

  • on 06.06.2019, 1,720 IMS S.A. shares were acquired constituting 0.0054% share in the share capital of the Company and 0.0054% votes in the General Shareholder Meeting. The average unit acquisition price was PLN 4.03;
  • on 07.06.2019, 2,700 IMS S.A. shares were acquired constituting 0.0085% share in the share capital of the Company and 0.0085% votes in the General Shareholder Meeting. The average unit acquisition price was PLN 4.01.

The detailed list of transactions conducted in the period from 06.06.2019 to 07.06.2019 is included in the attachment to this report.

The nominal value of one share is PLN 0.02, and the total nominal value of shares acquired on the dates mentioned above was PLN 88.40. The acquired block of shares constitutes 0.0138% of the Company’s share capital and gives 4,420 votes constituting 0.0138% votes in the General Shareholder Meeting of the Company.

At present the Company holds in total 147,639 own shares, constituting 0.46% of the Company’s share capital and giving 147,639 votes constituting 0.46% of votes in the General Shareholder Meeting of the Company.


Detailed legal basis: Article 2 paragraph 2 and 3 of the COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2016/1052

ESPI 26/2019 Issuing shares as part of Incentive Scheme III for years 2018-2020 – a change in the share capital

The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. inform that on 5 June 2019 persons authorised under the Regulations for Incentive Scheme III for years 2018-2020 (“Incentive Scheme”) adopted by the Supervisory Board of the Company on 18 August 2017 and approved by the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of IMS S.A. on 26 September 2017 took up in total 44,500 series C shares. Today, the shares were issued to the authorised persons.

As part of the above mentioned Incentive Scheme for 2018 in total 500,500 subscription warrants giving right to take up the same number of ordinary bearer shares were granted.  The right to take up shares may be exercised until 24 July 2019 at the latest.

The issue price of series C shares, in line with the Regulations for the Incentive Scheme, was PLN 3.03 per share. Persons who have taken up shares as part of the Incentive Scheme are obliged not to transfer the acquired shares (lock-up) for the period of 12 months of taking up the shares.

As a result of issuing of shares the share capital of IMS S.A. increased.  After the increase, the share capital of the Company amounts to PLN 638,346.62 and the total number of shares is 31,917,331. Taken up series C shares constitute in total 0.14% of the share capital before the increase and 0.14% of the total votes. The total number of votes in the Shareholder Meeting of the Company as a result of the increase of the share capital amounts to 31,917,331 now.

The remaining portion of the conditional increase of the share capital after today’s issuing of documents of shares amounts to PLN 29,110.00.

After the completion of the execution of Incentive Scheme III for year 2018 the Company shall take steps to dematerialise the shares, register them and enter for trade on the regulated market.


Detailed basis: section 5 paragraph 8 and section 13 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance on current and periodic information

ESPI 25/2019 Tranche 7 of the buy-back of own shares


The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”) informs that today it adopted Resolution No.1 regarding the terms and conditions as well as the procedure to exercise Tranche 7 of the Company Own Shares Buy-back Program. This resolution constitutes an attachment to this report.

As part of Tranche 7 shares will be acquired through an entity rendering investment services (a brokerage house). In Tranche 7 the Issuer intends to acquire not more than 60,000 shares and allots the sum of PLN 150,000.00 for this acquisition. Tranche 7 shall run from 6 June 2019 to 24 July 2019 (including this date) unless the funds allotted for the acquisition in Tranche 7 are completely exhausted earlier.

Tranche 7 of the Company’s Own Shares Buy-back Program is conducted based on Resolution No.19 of 25 May 2017 in connection with Resolution No.26 of 6 June 2018 of the Annual General Meeting of IMS S.A. and Resolution No.1 of 29 June 2018 of the Board of Directors of IMS S.A.

ESPI 24/2019 List of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes in the ordinary general shareholder meeting of ims s.A. On 27.05.2019

The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. (“Company”) submits the list of shareholders holding at least 5% of votes in the Ordinary General Shareholder Meeting of the Company which took place on 27.05.2019, specifying the number of votes attributed to each of them on account of held shares and indicating their percentage share in the number of votes in this General Shareholder Meeting as well as in the total number of votes.

1) Dariusz Lichacz – number of held shares: 6,158,820, number of votes attached to the held shares: 6,158,820, which gave right to 33.49% votes in the Ordinary General Shareholder Meeting and constitutes 19.32% of the total votes;

2) Michał Kornacki – number of held shares: 5,300,000, number of votes attached to the held shares: 5,300,000, which gave right to 28.82% votes in the Ordinary General Shareholder Meeting and constitutes 16.63% of the total votes;

3) CACHEMAN LIMITED – number of held shares: 2.980.000, number of votes attached to the held shares: 2.980.000, which gave right to 16.20% votes in the Ordinary General Shareholder Meeting and constitutes 9.35% of the total votes;

4) Paweł Przetacznik – number of held shares: 2.243.284, number of votes attached to the held shares: 2.243.284, which gave right to 12.20% votes in the Ordinary General Shareholder Meeting and constitutes 7.04% of the total votes.

5) Przemysław Świderski – number of held shares: 1.200.000, number of votes attributed to held shares: 1.200.000, which gave right to 6.52% votes in the Ordinary General Shareholder Meeting and constitutes 3.76% of the total votes.

ESPI 23/2019 Texts of resolutions adopted in the annual general meeting of ims s.A. On 27.05.2019

The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. (“Company”) presents attached the texts of resolutions adopted on 27.05.2019 by the Annual General Meeting.

At the same time, the Board of Directors of the Company informs that during the General Meeting no objections were made to the minutes of the meeting regarding adopted resolutions, no resolutions were voted and not adopted, and no item on the agenda was omitted from the examination.


Detailed legal basis:

Article 19 paragraph 1 point 6 and 7, 8, 9 of the Regulation on current and periodic information

ESPI 22/2019 Dividend payment

The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. informs that on 27 May 2019 the Ordinary General Shareholder Meeting of IMS S.A. adopted the resolution regarding the payment of dividend for year 2018 in the amount of PLN 0.19 per share, i.e. PLN 6,028,626.28. The dividend will cover 31,729,612 shares (143,219 Company’s own shares do not participate in the dividend).

The Ordinary General Shareholder Meeting set the dividend record date at 3 June 2019, the dividend payment date is 17 June 2019.


Detailed legal basis:

Article 19 paragraph 2 of the Regulations of the Minister of Finance on current and periodic information published by issuers of securities and conditions for recognition as equivalent the information required by laws of non-EU member states.

ESPI 21/2019 Granting subscription warrants giving right to acquire shares of the Company under the Incentive Scheme III for years 2018-2020

The Board of Directors of IMS Spółka Akcyjna with its registered office in Warsaw (“Company”) informs that today, as part of the fulfilment of the assumptions of the Incentive Scheme for years 2018-2020 (hereinafter referred to as IS III) adopted by the Supervisory Board of the Company on 18 August 2017 and approved by the Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting of the Company on 26 September 2017, the Supervisory Board of the Company granted in total 500,500 (five hundred thousand five hundred) subscription warrants giving right to acquire the same number of ordinary bearer shares. Warrants shall be acquired free of charge.

The Incentive Scheme III is addressed to the members of the Board of Directors of IMS S.A., managers, employees and associates of the IMS Capital Group companies.

As part of this allocation (for meeting targets in 2018), subscription warrants have been granted to five Members of the Board of Directors of IMS S.A. and to twenty-nine employees and associates of IMS Capital Group. The Members of the Board of Directors of IMS S.A. have received in total 350,000 subscription warrants, whereas the employees and associates of the IMS Capital Group – 150,500 subscription warrants. The right to acquire new issue shares may be exercised not later than by 31 July 2019. The acquisition of shares by the authorised person shall take place after they have presented necessary documents and paid the issue price amounting to PLN 3.03 per share (the issue price equals to the arithmetic mean of closing prices of IMS shares at Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. (Warsaw Stock Exchange) in the period from 01.08.2016 to 31.07.2017). The person acquiring the shares of IMS S.A. under the Incentive Scheme III shall assume an obligation absolutely not to transfer acquired shares (lock-up) for 12 months of having acquired the shares.

The text of the Incentive Scheme III for years 2018-2020 is available at the Company’s website ( in ESPI report 29/2017 of 26.09.2017 (the appendix to Resolution No.4 of the Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting of 26.09.2017).

The objective of the Incentive Scheme III is creating an additional powerful tool motivating key employees to achieve challenging goals by means of such actions as acquisitions of highly profitable entities, generating high volumes of sales on existing products and services as well as gaining new clients and new markets, which should translate into a significantly improved IMS S.A. share price.

ESPI 20/2019 Convening of the Ordinary General Shareholder Meeting of IMS S.A. for 27th May 2019

The Board of Directors of IMS SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA (joint-stock company) with its registered office in Warsaw (the address of the registered office: 366 Puławska Street, 02-819 Warsaw) entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register  under KRS number 000278240, REGON 016452416, NIP 5252201663, with the share capital of PLN 637,456.62, fully paid (hereinafter: “Company”) acting pursuant to Article 399 §1 of the Commercial Companies Code in connection with § 10 paragraph 3 (sentence one) of the Articles of Association of the Company convenes for 27th May 2019 the Annual General Meeting of the Company, which will be held in the registered office of the Company in Warsaw, at ul.   Puławska 366 at 12.00.


The agenda of the Annual General Meeting of the Company is as follows: 

  • Opening of the Annual General Meeting of the Company,
  • Election of the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting of the Company,
  • Preparation of the attendance list and confirmation of the proper convocation of the Annual General Meeting and its ability to adopt resolutions,
  • Election of the Tellers Committee,
  • Adoption of the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of the Company,
  • Review of the financial statements of the Company for 2018 including independent auditor’s report on the financial statements of the Company for the year 2018,
  • Review of the Report of the Board of Directors on the operations of the Company for the year 2018,
  • Review of the consolidated financial statements of the Company for 2018 including independent auditor’s report on the consolidated financial statements of the Capital Group of the Company for the year 2018,
  • Review of the report on the operations of the Capital Group of the Company for the year 2018,
  • Review of the report of the Supervisory Board of the Company on the results of the assessment of the financial statements of the Company and of the report of the Board of Directors on the operations of the Company for the year 2018, the consolidated financial statements of the Capital Group of the Company and the report on the operations of the Capital Group of the Company for the year 2018 and the motion of the Board of Directors regarding the distribution of net profit of the Company for 2018 as well as the motion of the Supervisory Board regarding vote of discharge of duties to members of the Board of Directors of the Company for 2018,
  • Adoption of a resolution regarding the approval of the financial statements of the Company for the year 2018,
  • Adoption of a resolution regarding the approval of the report of the Board of Directors on the operations of the Company for the year 2018,
  • Adoption of a resolution regarding the approval of the consolidated financial statements of the Capital Group of the Company for the year 2018,
  • Adoption of a resolution Regarding the approval of the report on the operations of the Capital Group of the Company for the year 2018,
  • Adoption of a resolution regarding distribution of the Company’s net profit for 2018,
  • Adoption of resolutions regarding the vote of discharge of duties to the members of the Supervisory Board for 2018,
  • Adoption of resolutions regarding the vote of discharge of duties to the members of the Board of Directors of the Company for 2018,
  • Adoption of a resolution regarding the terms and conditions for remunerating members of the Supervisory Board of the Company,
  • Adoption of a resolution regarding the terms and conditions for remunerating members of the Audit Committee of the Company,
  • Any other business,
  • Closing of the Annual General Shareholder Meeting of the Company.

ESPI 19/2019 The change of the date of publication of the (separate and consolidated) annual report for year 2018

The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. informs about the change of the date for submission of the separate and consolidated annual report for year 2018.

The separate and consolidated annual report for year 2018 shall be published on 26 April 2019. The previous date for submission of the separate and consolidated annual report for year 2018 announced in current report No. 6/2019 of 31 January 2019 was 24 April 2019.


Detailed legal basis: §80 paragraph 2 of the Regulation on current and periodic information