1. On the technical side of the message, that is on the right place and time, as well as the entire setting that accompanies us when receiving the image. Shopping malls are an extremely good example of this. They are perfectly suited for this type of message, which reflects the effectiveness of the Mall TV trend. Consumers, as a rule, not only have nothing against video wall ads, but they actually expect valuable product placement.
2. The quality of the material itself. Customers’ interest in specific video advertising is merely the seed of success. To keep the consumers’ attention for a longer time is a true art, and for this, effective persuasion is needed, the effects of which are measured in significant sales increases. To this end, we are preparing a comprehensive campaign, whose components include harmonious colors, shades, and a unique story surrounded by unforgettable images.
The success of the digital signage system is due to the fact that the customer, the advertised product, and money meet in the one, same place, and Video Advertising does not annoy, it only advises.
Advertising on a video wall increases brand awareness, catches the eye, and is received positively. Video Marketing Media as a modern form of promotion are closest to the point of sale.
Today, Digital Signage systems can be found practically everywhere, in shopping malls, branded shopping networks, restaurants, means of transport (trains and buses), hotels, and offices, where they are suitably adapted to the people visiting given places.
The reach of video advertising through digital signage systems means over 36 million contacts with the ad during one month
- Materials provided by the partner and advertisers,
- Special neutral content developed by IMS,
- Own software for managing the digital signage system,
- IMS video studio production – 2D and 3D animations, spots, films, posters, sounding, and dubbing

Four out of 10 customers
confirm that the sense of “communication directed personally to me” prompts them to buy
Elevating the Customer Experience / Walnut Unlimited - January 2019
Contact us for more information.