The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”) presents the text of the attached resolutions adopted on 29.11.2018 by the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company (“EGM”).
To supplement this information, the Company informs that in this General Meeting Resolution No. 4 was adopted regarding redemption of 1,627,068 (one million six hundred twenty-seven thousand sixty-eight) ordinary bearer shares representing 4.86% of the share capital (Company’s treasury shares). Resolution No.6 includes amendments to the Articles of Association, whereas resolution No.7 – the consolidated text of the Articles of Association.
The Board provides the attached list of previous and amended provisions of the Articles of Associations.
At the same time, the Board of Directors of the Company informs that during the EGM no objections were made to the minutes of the meeting regarding adopted resolutions, no resolutions were voted and not adopted in the EGM, and no item on the agenda was omitted from the examination.