ESPI 32/2017 Summary of the first day of buying back own shares (5th tranche)

The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) informs that on 6 October this year agreements were signed with Shareholders to sell in total 43,698 shares of IMS S.A. The purchase price of one share (in line with Resolution No.1 of the Board of Directors of the Company of 18.09.2017) amounted to PLN 3.75. The total nominal value of acquired shares is PLN 873.96 (PLN 0.02 each share). These shares represent 0.13% of the Issuer’s share capital and give right to 43,698 votes in the GM (0.13% of the total number of votes).

Additionally, the Company holds 396,349 own shares (of the total nominal value of PLN 7,926.98; representing 1.18% of the Issuer’s share capital; giving right to 396,349 votes in the GM, i.e. 1.18% of the total number of votes) acquired in July 2017 (4th tranche of the buy-back implemented based on Resolution No.19 of the Ordinary General Meeting of IMS S.A. (“the OGM”) of 09.06.2016).

In line with the Buy-Back Scheme (“the Invitation to submit offers to dispose of shares”), Shareholders have time till 19 October this year to transfer disposed shares to the Company’s account. If the shares being disposed of by a Shareholder are not registered into the securities account of IMS S.A. by 19 October 2017, the sale agreement shall be terminated with no consequences for either of the parties.

If such a situation occurs, the Issuer will inform about it in a separate communication.

The buy-back is carried out on the basis of Resolution No.19 of the OGM of 9 June 2016. The Own Shares Buy-Back Scheme was adopted by the Board of the Issuer with Resolution No.1 of 26 September 2016 (the Company informed about it in ESPI communication No.63/2016 of 26 September 2016). Pursuant to the resolution of the OGM, the acquired own shares of the Company may be:

  1. a) redeemed, or
  2. b) intended for resale, or
  3. c) intended for another legitimate purpose indicated by the Board of the Company.

Another date of the Company concluding transactions to acquire shares shall be 9 October 2017.
Specific legal basis:

  • 5 paragraph 1 point 6 of the Regulation on current and periodic information

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