Notification Article 69 – download
The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”) hereby informs about the notification filed on 14 January 2019 pursuant to Article 69(1) of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offer and the conditions for introducing financial instruments to the organised trading system, and on public companies (Journal of Laws of 2005 No.184 item 1539 as further amended) that the share of own shares held by the Company in the total number of votes in IMS S.A. increased and exceeded the 5% threshold.
The threshold in the total number of votes was exceeded as a result of the Company acquiring own shares as part of the executed Tranche 6 of Own Shares Buy-back Program of which the Company informed with reports No. 64/2018; 70/2018; 73/2018; 74/2018;75/2018; 1/2019 and 2/2019.
The change of share in the total number of votes occurred on 14 January 2019 as a result of settling of transactions of the acquisition of own shares bought back on 10 January 2019 as part of the execution of the above mentioned Own Shares Buy-back Program.
The notification constitutes an attachment to this report.
At the same time the Company informs that in line with Resolution No.4 of the Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting which was held on 29.11.2018, 1,627,068 own shares shall be redeemed at the moment of entering the decrease in the share capital in an appropriate register of which the Company will inform in a separate report.