ESPI 45/2018 Setting of the price and the number of shares acquired under the 4th tranche of the own share buy-back programme and documents relating to the 4th tranche of the buy-back programme

In connection with current report No 42/2018 of 4 september 2018 and with regard to Resolution No.19 of 25 May 2017 in connection with Resolution No.26 of 6 June 2018 of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of IMS S.A., the Board of Directors of IMS S.A.  (“Company”, “Issuer”) informs that today the Supervisory Board of the Company issued a positive opinion on the price (consideration) and the number of acquired shares under the 4th Tranche of the Buy-back Programme.

Due to the afore, today the Board of Directors of the Company set the price (consideration) under the 4th Tranche of the Buy-back Programme at PLN 3.20 (say: three zloty 20/100) per share and the number of acquired shares at 300,000 (say: three hundred thousand).

The Board of Directors of IMS S.A. submits the following attachments:
– the Invitation to submit bids to dispose of shares together with an up-to-date schedule of execution of the 2nd Tranche of the Own Share Buy-back,
– a model form for an offer to dispose of shares,
– a model agreement to dispose of shares.

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