SENSORY MARKETING is not only the domain of stationary stores, various forms can also be seen on the internet. One of them is the music turned on automatically when you enter the website. This solution, extremely popular in the past, is now less common – as Patrycja Ogrodnik says in an interview with PayU – due to its annoying nature.

Another, definitely more effective element of SENSE MARKETING is the use of appropriate colors, corresponding to the nature of the page and the effect we want to achieve. An interesting fact is that they affect our feelings and emotions.

  • Yellow – is a color of joy, ideal for shops with children’s or tourism-related items.
  • Light blue – is a color suitable for traditionalists interested in buying clothes.
  • Orange and red – these are colors suitable for people with a spontaneous disposition, willing to use the promotion.
  • Green – is a color that reminds you of nature and safety, suitable for companies that want to inspire trust or related to organic products.
  • Navy blue – a color suitable for people who value honesty and stability, who manage their budget sparingly.
  • Black – this is a color of elegance and strength, ideal for websites with luxury goods.

SENSORY MARKETING is most effective if it has a positive effect on many of the client’s senses. As Walnut Unlimited research shows, 78% of respondents are willing to shop in a stationary store, instead of online, if the retail facility captivated them with its nice atmosphere. This kind of atmposphere is built using the latest solutions of IN-STORE MUSIC, SCENT MARKETING and DIGITAL SIGNAGE. SENSORY MARKETING tools, can create a unique, sensory brand logo and climate that affects both customer comfort and sales growth.

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