Nowy ekran LED w Galerii Libero


Duży EKRAN LEDOWY o wielkości 32 m2 został zainstalowany przez naszą firmę w GALERII LIBERO w Katowicach. Jest to idealne miejsce do wyświetlania kampanii reklamowych oraz interesującego KONTENTU. Obok ekranu o wymiarach 8m x 4m nie da się przejść obojętnie, przykuwa on bowiem uwagę i przyciąga spojrzenia zarówno wysokiej jakości obrazem, jak i dużym rozmiarem. Wyświetlane są na nim kampanie reklamowe, kontent wewnętrzny Galerii oraz przygotowany przez IMS S.A. KONTENT NEUTRALNY. Jest to kolejny duży ekran LED zainstalowany i zarządzany przez IMS S.A. w prestiżowej galerii w Polsce.

Ekrany w centrach handlowych instalowane są przez naszą firmę w ramach usługi DIGITAL SIGNAGE. Oferujemy idealne dopasowanie sprzętu do wymogów technicznych, warunków miejsca i potrzeb Klienta. Na ekranach wyświetlać można treści reklamowe oraz różnego rodzaju KONTENT. IMS S.A. oprócz ekranów, oferuje również zarówno produkcję reklam, jak i samego KONTENTU, a także sprzedaż czasu reklamowego na nośnikach audio i video.

GALERIA LIBERO to nowoczesne i przyjazne miejsce z ofertą ponad 150 sklepów i punktów usługowych oraz najlepszą strefą restauracyjną na Śląsku. Stworzone zostało tak, aby z przyjemnością robić tu zakupy, próbować kuchni z różnych stron świata i relaksować się w najnowocześniejszym kinie na Śląsku, kręgielni lub w centrum fitness.

Ekran w Galerii Libero


A large LED SCREEN with a size of 32 m2 was installed by our company IMS S.A. at the LIBERO GALLERY in Katowice. It is an ideal place to display advertising campaigns and an interesting CONTENT.

LED SCREEN with a size of 8m x 4m catches the eye with both high-quality image and large size. It displays advertising campaigns, the internal content of the Gallery and NEUTRAL CONTENT produced by IMS S.A.. This is another large LED screen installed and managed by IMS S.A. in a prestigious gallery in Poland.

Screens in shopping centers are installed by our company as part of the DIGITAL SIGNAGE service. We offer a perfect fit of equipment to technical requirements, place conditions and customer needs. The screens can display advertisements and various CONTENT types. IMS S.A. also offers both the production of advertisements and the CONTENT itself, as well as the sale of advertising time on audio and video media.

LIBERO GALLERY is a modern and friendly place with an offer of over 150 stores and service outlets, as well as the best restaurant zone in Silesia. It was created to feel comfortable, try cuisines from around the world, relax in the most modern cinema in Silesia, bowling center or fitness center.



A large LED SCREEN with a size of 32 m2 was installed by our company IMS S.A. at the LIBERO GALLERY in Katowice. It is an ideal place to display advertising campaigns and an interesting CONTENT.

LED SCREEN with a size of 8m x 4m catches the eye with both high-quality image and large size. It displays advertising campaigns, the internal content of the Gallery and NEUTRAL CONTENT produced by IMS S.A.. This is another large LED screen installed and managed by IMS S.A. in a prestigious gallery in Poland.

Screens in shopping centers are installed by our company as part of the DIGITAL SIGNAGE service. We offer a perfect fit of equipment to technical requirements, place conditions and customer needs. The screens can display advertisements and various CONTENT types. IMS S.A. also offers both the production of advertisements and the CONTENT itself, as well as the sale of advertising time on audio and video media.

LIBERO GALLERY is a modern and friendly place with an offer of over 150 stores and service outlets, as well as the best restaurant zone in Silesia. It was created to feel comfortable, try cuisines from around the world, relax in the most modern cinema in Silesia, bowling center or fitness center.



A large LED SCREEN with a size of 32 m2 was installed by our company IMS S.A. at the LIBERO GALLERY in Katowice. It is an ideal place to display advertising campaigns and an interesting CONTENT.

LED SCREEN with a size of 8m x 4m catches the eye with both high-quality image and large size. It displays advertising campaigns, the internal content of the Gallery and NEUTRAL CONTENT produced by IMS S.A.. This is another large LED screen installed and managed by IMS S.A. in a prestigious gallery in Poland.

Screens in shopping centers are installed by our company as part of the DIGITAL SIGNAGE service. We offer a perfect fit of equipment to technical requirements, place conditions and customer needs. The screens can display advertisements and various CONTENT types. IMS S.A. also offers both the production of advertisements and the CONTENT itself, as well as the sale of advertising time on audio and video media.

LIBERO GALLERY is a modern and friendly place with an offer of over 150 stores and service outlets, as well as the best restaurant zone in Silesia. It was created to feel comfortable, try cuisines from around the world, relax in the most modern cinema in Silesia, bowling center or fitness center.



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