Salony Tatuum z usługą Audiomarketingu od IMS S.A.


W 61 salonach marki TATUUM w całej Polsce, została wdrożona usługa AUDIOMARKETINGU od IMS S.A. Indywidualny Format Muzyczny został opracowany przez Specjalistów IMS S.A. posiadających dużą wiedzę i doświadczenie w swojej pracy. Playlista uwzględnia aktualną strategię i prestiż marki TATUUM, wyjątkowy charakter jej salonów, jak również preferencje muzyczne Klientów. Usługa AUDIOMARKETINGU ma na celu stworzenie jeszcze przyjemniejszej atmosfery, zbudowanie sensorycznego logo i zachęcenie Klientów do jak najczęstszych powrotów.

TATUUM jest kolejną ważną i wyjątkową marką, która dołączyła do grona Klientów IMS S.A. korzystających z usługi AUDIOMARKETINGU. Usługa ta polega na stworzeniu za pomocą dedykowanych playlist, oprawy dźwiękowej idealnie korespondującej z charakterem firmy oraz gustem Klientów.

TATUUM to polska marka, która od ponad 20 lat tworzy kolekcje ubrań i akcesoriów dla kobiet i mężczyzn ceniących rzeczy piękne, wysokiej jakości, naturalne i komfortowe. Posiada salony w w całej Polsce, jak również w Czechach i na Węgrzech.

Źródło: Tatuum
Źródło: Tatuum


AUDIOMARKETING service from IMS S.A. has been implemented in 61 TATUUM stores across Poland. The Individual Music Format was developed by ours music Specialists who have extensive knowledge and experience in their work. The playlist takes into account the current strategy and prestige of the TATUUM brand, the unique nature of its stores, as well as the musical preferences of customers. The AUDIOMARKETING service aims to create an even more pleasant atmosphere, build a sensory logo and encourage Customers to return more often.

TATUUM is another important and unique brand that has joined the group of IMS S.A. clients using the AUDIOMARKETING service. This service consists in using dedicated playlists that corresponds perfectly with the character of the company and the taste of customers.

TATUUM is a Polish brand that has been creating clothes and accessories collections for women and men who value beautiful, high quality, natural and comfortable things, for over 20 years. It has showrooms throughout Poland, as well as in the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Źródło: Tatuum
Source: Tatuum


AUDIOMARKETING service from IMS S.A. has been implemented in 61 TATUUM stores across Poland. The Individual Music Format was developed by ours music Specialists who have extensive knowledge and experience in their work. The playlist takes into account the current strategy and prestige of the TATUUM brand, the unique nature of its stores, as well as the musical preferences of customers. The AUDIOMARKETING service aims to create an even more pleasant atmosphere, build a sensory logo and encourage Customers to return more often.

TATUUM is another important and unique brand that has joined the group of IMS S.A. clients using the AUDIOMARKETING service. This service consists in using dedicated playlists that corresponds perfectly with the character of the company and the taste of customers.

TATUUM is a Polish brand that has been creating clothes and accessories collections for women and men who value beautiful, high quality, natural and comfortable things, for over 20 years. It has showrooms throughout Poland, as well as in the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Źródło: Tatuum
Source: Tatuum


AUDIOMARKETING service from IMS S.A. has been implemented in 61 TATUUM stores across Poland. The Individual Music Format was developed by ours music Specialists who have extensive knowledge and experience in their work. The playlist takes into account the current strategy and prestige of the TATUUM brand, the unique nature of its stores, as well as the musical preferences of customers. The AUDIOMARKETING service aims to create an even more pleasant atmosphere, build a sensory logo and encourage Customers to return more often.

TATUUM is another important and unique brand that has joined the group of IMS S.A. clients using the AUDIOMARKETING service. This service consists in using dedicated playlists that corresponds perfectly with the character of the company and the taste of customers.

TATUUM is a Polish brand that has been creating clothes and accessories collections for women and men who value beautiful, high quality, natural and comfortable things, for over 20 years. It has showrooms throughout Poland, as well as in the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Źródło: Tatuum
Source: Tatuum


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