Nowy totem reklamowy od IMS S.A. w Libero Katowice


W LIBERO KATOWICE zainstalowaliśmy wolnostojący, dwustronny TOTEM REKLAMOWY służący do celów reklamowych i autopromocyjnych Galerii. Obudowa wykonana została z białego corianu, na stalowej konstrukcji. TOTEM z obu stron wyposażony został w monitory 65”, zabezpieczone hartowaną szybą. Zainstalowany w urządzeniu serwer multimedialny, wraz z autorskim oprogramowaniem TCadvert, służącym do zarządzania treścią DIGITAL SIGNAGE, wyprodukowany został przez Spółkę Grupy Kapitałowej IMS S.A. TOTEM posiada system wentylacji, odprowadzający ciepło, aby zapewnić optymalną temperaturę pracy monitorów.

TOTEMY REKLAMOWE są jednym z elementów szerokiej oferty DIGITAL SIGNAGE IMS S.A. Poza wdrożeniem tego typu urządzeń, oferujemy także produkcję atrakcyjnego kontentu zarówno neutralnego, jak i komercyjnego, który jest na nich wyświetlany.

totem reklamowy, libero katowice, ims s.a.


In LIBERO KATOWICE we installed a two-sided ADVERTISING TOTEM for advertising and self-promotional purposes of the Gallery. The housing is made of white corian, on a steel structure. TOTEM on both sides is equipped with 65 ” monitors, secured with tempered glass. The multimedia server installed in the device, together with the proprietary TCadvert software used for DIGITAL SIGNAGE content management, was produced by a company from the IMS S.A.Capital Group. TOTEM has a ventilation system that discharges heat to ensure optimal monitor operating temperature.

ADVERTISING TOTEMS are one of the elements of the wide offer of DIGITAL SIGNAGE IMS S.A. In addition to the implementation of this type of device, we also offer the production of attractive content, both neutral and commercial, which is displayed on them.

totem reklamowy, libero katowice, ims s.a.


In LIBERO KATOWICE we installed a two-sided ADVERTISING TOTEM for advertising and self-promotional purposes of the Gallery. The housing is made of white corian, on a steel structure. TOTEM on both sides is equipped with 65 ” monitors, secured with tempered glass. The multimedia server installed in the device, together with the proprietary TCadvert software used for DIGITAL SIGNAGE content management, was produced by a company from the IMS S.A.Capital Group. TOTEM has a ventilation system that discharges heat to ensure optimal monitor operating temperature.

ADVERTISING TOTEMS are one of the elements of the wide offer of DIGITAL SIGNAGE IMS S.A. In addition to the implementation of this type of device, we also offer the production of attractive content, both neutral and commercial, which is displayed on them.

totem reklamowy, libero katowice, ims s.a.


In LIBERO KATOWICE we installed a two-sided ADVERTISING TOTEM for advertising and self-promotional purposes of the Gallery. The housing is made of white corian, on a steel structure. TOTEM on both sides is equipped with 65 ” monitors, secured with tempered glass. The multimedia server installed in the device, together with the proprietary TCadvert software used for DIGITAL SIGNAGE content management, was produced by a company from the IMS S.A.Capital Group. TOTEM has a ventilation system that discharges heat to ensure optimal monitor operating temperature.

ADVERTISING TOTEMS are one of the elements of the wide offer of DIGITAL SIGNAGE IMS S.A. In addition to the implementation of this type of device, we also offer the production of attractive content, both neutral and commercial, which is displayed on them.

totem reklamowy, libero katowice, ims s.a.


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