Jak Aromamarketing wpływa na to, ile wydajemy na zakupy?


Istnieje wiele pozytywnych aspektów zastosowania MARKETINGU SENSORYCZNEGO w punktach sprzedaży. Należą do nich, m.in.: budowanie przyjemnej atmosfery, wzmocnienie przywiązania Klienta do marki, częstsze powroty Konsumenta do miejsca sprzedaży i wydłużenie czasu pobytu w nim, stworzenie sensorycznego logo brandu czy szeregu pozytywnych skojarzeń z daną firmą. Jak się okazuje, zastosowanie AROMAMARKETINGU, czyli jednej z usług z zakresu MARKETINGU SENSORYCZNEGO, może mieć również przełożenie na kwotę, którą Klient wydaje na zakupy.

Jak pokazują wyniki badania przeprowadzonego na zlecenie Scent Air, 59% Klientów wydaje więcej pieniędzy na zakupy w punkcie sprzedaży, w którym pięknie pachnie. Warto przy tym zaznaczyć, że korzyści z wykorzystania wyrafinowanego, dedykowanego zapachu w miejscach sprzedaży są obopólne – zyskują na tym zarówno Klienci, jak i właścicieli firm. Ci pierwsi robią bowiem zakupy w miłej atmosferze, otoczeni nutami pięknej, pobudzającej zmysły woni. Właściciele firm mogą natomiast zanotować, dzięki temu rozwiązaniu, wzrost sprzedaży. Z tych powodów warto jest rozważyć wykorzystanie AROMAMARKETINGU w swoim biznesie. Jest to bowiem flagowy element każdego nowoczesnego punktu sprzedaży.


There are many positive aspects of SENSORY MARKETING usage in a commercial facility. These include, among others: building a pleasant atmosphere, strengthening the Customer’s attachment to the brand, more frequent returns of the Consumer to the point of sale and extending the time of stay in it, creating a sensory logo of the brand or a number of positive associations with a company. As it turns out, the use of AROMAMARKETING, which is one of the services in the field of SENSORY MARKETING, can also be reflected in the amount that the Customer spends on shopping.

As the results of the study carried out by Scent Air, show that 59% of consumers would spend more money in a place that was pleasantly scented. It is worth noting that the benefits of using a sophisticated, dedicated fragrance in a shopping facility are reciprocal – both Customers and business owners benefit. The Clients are shopping in a pleasant atmosphere, surrounded by a beautiful, stimulating senses. On the other hand, business owners can note an increase in sales thanks to this solution. Therefore, it is worth considering using AROMAMARKETING in your business. It is the very important element of every modern point of sale.


There are many positive aspects of SENSORY MARKETING usage in a commercial facility. These include, among others: building a pleasant atmosphere, strengthening the Customer’s attachment to the brand, more frequent returns of the Consumer to the point of sale and extending the time of stay in it, creating a sensory logo of the brand or a number of positive associations with a company. As it turns out, the use of AROMAMARKETING, which is one of the services in the field of SENSORY MARKETING, can also be reflected in the amount that the Customer spends on shopping.

As the results of the study carried out by Scent Air, show that 59% of consumers would spend more money in a place that was pleasantly scented. It is worth noting that the benefits of using a sophisticated, dedicated fragrance in a shopping facility are reciprocal – both Customers and business owners benefit. The Clients are shopping in a pleasant atmosphere, surrounded by a beautiful, stimulating senses. On the other hand, business owners can note an increase in sales thanks to this solution. Therefore, it is worth considering using AROMAMARKETING in your business. It is the very important element of every modern point of sale.


There are many positive aspects of SENSORY MARKETING usage in a commercial facility. These include, among others: building a pleasant atmosphere, strengthening the Customer’s attachment to the brand, more frequent returns of the Consumer to the point of sale and extending the time of stay in it, creating a sensory logo of the brand or a number of positive associations with a company. As it turns out, the use of AROMAMARKETING, which is one of the services in the field of SENSORY MARKETING, can also be reflected in the amount that the Customer spends on shopping.

As the results of the study carried out by Scent Air, show that 59% of consumers would spend more money in a place that was pleasantly scented. It is worth noting that the benefits of using a sophisticated, dedicated fragrance in a shopping facility are reciprocal – both Customers and business owners benefit. The Clients are shopping in a pleasant atmosphere, surrounded by a beautiful, stimulating senses. On the other hand, business owners can note an increase in sales thanks to this solution. Therefore, it is worth considering using AROMAMARKETING in your business. It is the very important element of every modern point of sale.


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