Nowy totem reklamowy od IMS S.A. w Libero Katowice


W LIBERO KATOWICE zainstalowaliśmy wolnostojący, dwustronny TOTEM REKLAMOWY służący do celów reklamowych i autopromocyjnych Galerii. Obudowa wykonana została z białego corianu, na stalowej konstrukcji. TOTEM z obu stron wyposażony został w monitory 65”, zabezpieczone hartowaną szybą. Zainstalowany w urządzeniu serwer multimedialny, wraz z autorskim oprogramowaniem TCadvert, służącym do zarządzania treścią DIGITAL SIGNAGE, wyprodukowany został przez Spółkę Grupy Kapitałowej IMS S.A. TOTEM posiada system wentylacji, odprowadzający ciepło, aby zapewnić optymalną temperaturę pracy monitorów.

TOTEMY REKLAMOWE są jednym z elementów szerokiej oferty DIGITAL SIGNAGE IMS S.A. Poza wdrożeniem tego typu urządzeń, oferujemy także produkcję atrakcyjnego kontentu zarówno neutralnego, jak i komercyjnego, który jest na nich wyświetlany.

totem reklamowy, libero katowice, ims s.a.


In LIBERO KATOWICE we installed a two-sided ADVERTISING TOTEM for advertising and self-promotional purposes of the Gallery. The housing is made of white corian, on a steel structure. TOTEM on both sides is equipped with 65 ” monitors, secured with tempered glass. The multimedia server installed in the device, together with the proprietary TCadvert software used for DIGITAL SIGNAGE content management, was produced by a company from the IMS S.A.Capital Group. TOTEM has a ventilation system that discharges heat to ensure optimal monitor operating temperature.

ADVERTISING TOTEMS are one of the elements of the wide offer of DIGITAL SIGNAGE IMS S.A. In addition to the implementation of this type of device, we also offer the production of attractive content, both neutral and commercial, which is displayed on them.

totem reklamowy, libero katowice, ims s.a.


In LIBERO KATOWICE we installed a two-sided ADVERTISING TOTEM for advertising and self-promotional purposes of the Gallery. The housing is made of white corian, on a steel structure. TOTEM on both sides is equipped with 65 ” monitors, secured with tempered glass. The multimedia server installed in the device, together with the proprietary TCadvert software used for DIGITAL SIGNAGE content management, was produced by a company from the IMS S.A.Capital Group. TOTEM has a ventilation system that discharges heat to ensure optimal monitor operating temperature.

ADVERTISING TOTEMS are one of the elements of the wide offer of DIGITAL SIGNAGE IMS S.A. In addition to the implementation of this type of device, we also offer the production of attractive content, both neutral and commercial, which is displayed on them.

totem reklamowy, libero katowice, ims s.a.


In LIBERO KATOWICE we installed a two-sided ADVERTISING TOTEM for advertising and self-promotional purposes of the Gallery. The housing is made of white corian, on a steel structure. TOTEM on both sides is equipped with 65 ” monitors, secured with tempered glass. The multimedia server installed in the device, together with the proprietary TCadvert software used for DIGITAL SIGNAGE content management, was produced by a company from the IMS S.A.Capital Group. TOTEM has a ventilation system that discharges heat to ensure optimal monitor operating temperature.

ADVERTISING TOTEMS are one of the elements of the wide offer of DIGITAL SIGNAGE IMS S.A. In addition to the implementation of this type of device, we also offer the production of attractive content, both neutral and commercial, which is displayed on them.

totem reklamowy, libero katowice, ims s.a.


Oferta Gemini Park Tychy i Tarnów została wzbogacona o Giftomaty


GIFTOMAT to niezwykle wygodne i nowoczesne urządzenie służące do bezobsługowego zakupu kart podarunkowych Galerii. W GEMINI PARK TYCHY i GEMINI PARK TARNÓW nasza spółka zainstalowała i wdrożyła dwa tego typu urządzenia, po jednym w każdym z obiektów.

GIFTOMATY, które pojawiły się w PARKACH GEMINI, wyposażone są w: monitor dotykowy 22”, komputer, skaner, dyspenser kart oraz terminal płatniczy. Obudowa wykonana jest z białego konglomeratu na stalowej konstrukcji.

GIFTOMATY od IMS S.A. to idealne rozwiązanie dla Galerii oraz Parków Handlowych, które chcą zwiększyć przywiązanie Klientów do swojej marki oraz ułatwić im zakupy. Urządzenia te są samoobsługowe i służą do wydawania kart przedpłaconych Programu Kart Podarunkowych, na których znajduje się logo Galerii i które umożliwiają płatność w sklepach na terenie Obiektu Handlowego.

Do największych zalet GIFTOMATÓW należą:

  • Prosta, szybka i wygodna procedura zakupu karty.
  • Możliwość załadowania karty podarunkowej dowolną kwotą w zakresie od 30 zł do 1000 zł.
  • Duży (500 szt.) zapas kart w urządzeniu – obsługa niekłopotliwa dla służby technicznej Galerii.
  • Wydanie karty i obciążenie transakcją jej zakupu potwierdzone stosownymi wydrukami.
  • Możliwość zapłacenia za kartę zarówno kartą stykową (chipową), zbliżeniową, debetową, jak i kredytową.
  • Wartość transakcji = wartość środków na karcie (brak prowizji obciążającej Użytkownika).
Giftomat, IMS S.A., Gemini Park Tarnów, Gemini Park Tychy


GIFTOMAT is an very easy to use and modern device used for purchase of Gallery gift cards. At GEMINI PARK TYCHY and GEMINI PARK TARNÓW, our company installed and implemented two devices of this type, one in each of the facilities.

GIFTOMATS that appeared in GEMINI PARKS are equipped with: 22 ”touch monitor, computer, scanner, card dispenser and payment terminal. The housing is made of white conglomerate on a steel structure.

GIFTOMATS from IMS S.A. is the perfect solution for Galleries and Shopping Parks that want to increase customers’ attachment to their brand and make shopping easier for clients. These devices are self-service and are used for issuing prepaid cards of the Gift Card Program. Those Gift Cards has the Gallery logo and allow payment in shops on the premises of a Trade Facility.

The biggest advantages of GIFTOMATS include:

  • Simple, quick and convenient card purchase procedure.
  • Large (500 pcs) card stock in the device – easy service for the technical service of the Gallery.
  • Card issue and transaction purchase burden confirmed by appropriate printouts.
  • You can pay for the card with both contact (chip), contactless, debit and credit cards.
  • Transaction value = value of funds on the card (no commission charged).
Giftomat, IMS S.A., Gemini Park Tarnów, Gemini Park Tychy


GIFTOMAT is an very easy to use and modern device used for purchase of Gallery gift cards. At GEMINI PARK TYCHY and GEMINI PARK TARNÓW, our company installed and implemented two devices of this type, one in each of the facilities.

GIFTOMATS that appeared in GEMINI PARKS are equipped with: 22 ”touch monitor, computer, scanner, card dispenser and payment terminal. The housing is made of white conglomerate on a steel structure.

GIFTOMATS from IMS S.A. is the perfect solution for Galleries and Shopping Parks that want to increase customers’ attachment to their brand and make shopping easier for clients. These devices are self-service and are used for issuing prepaid cards of the Gift Card Program. Those Gift Cards has the Gallery logo and allow payment in shops on the premises of a Trade Facility.

The biggest advantages of GIFTOMATS include:

  • Simple, quick and convenient card purchase procedure.
  • Large (500 pcs) card stock in the device – easy service for the technical service of the Gallery.
  • Card issue and transaction purchase burden confirmed by appropriate printouts.
  • You can pay for the card with both contact (chip), contactless, debit and credit cards.
  • Transaction value = value of funds on the card (no commission charged).
Giftomat, IMS S.A., Gemini Park Tarnów, Gemini Park Tychy


GIFTOMAT is an very easy to use and modern device used for purchase of Gallery gift cards. At GEMINI PARK TYCHY and GEMINI PARK TARNÓW, our company installed and implemented two devices of this type, one in each of the facilities.

GIFTOMATS that appeared in GEMINI PARKS are equipped with: 22 ”touch monitor, computer, scanner, card dispenser and payment terminal. The housing is made of white conglomerate on a steel structure.

GIFTOMATS from IMS S.A. is the perfect solution for Galleries and Shopping Parks that want to increase customers’ attachment to their brand and make shopping easier for clients. These devices are self-service and are used for issuing prepaid cards of the Gift Card Program. Those Gift Cards has the Gallery logo and allow payment in shops on the premises of a Trade Facility.

The biggest advantages of GIFTOMATS include:

  • Simple, quick and convenient card purchase procedure.
  • Large (500 pcs) card stock in the device – easy service for the technical service of the Gallery.
  • Card issue and transaction purchase burden confirmed by appropriate printouts.
  • You can pay for the card with both contact (chip), contactless, debit and credit cards.
  • Transaction value = value of funds on the card (no commission charged).
Giftomat, IMS S.A., Gemini Park Tarnów, Gemini Park Tychy


Jak Aromamarketing wpływa na to, ile wydajemy na zakupy?


Istnieje wiele pozytywnych aspektów zastosowania MARKETINGU SENSORYCZNEGO w punktach sprzedaży. Należą do nich, budowanie przyjemnej atmosfery, wzmocnienie przywiązania Klienta do marki, częstsze powroty Konsumenta do miejsca sprzedaży i wydłużenie czasu pobytu w nim, stworzenie sensorycznego logo brandu czy szeregu pozytywnych skojarzeń z daną firmą. Jak się okazuje, zastosowanie AROMAMARKETINGU, czyli jednej z usług z zakresu MARKETINGU SENSORYCZNEGO, może mieć również przełożenie na kwotę, którą Klient wydaje na zakupy.

Jak pokazują wyniki badania przeprowadzonego na zlecenie Scent Air, 59% Klientów wydaje więcej pieniędzy na zakupy w punkcie sprzedaży, w którym pięknie pachnie. Warto przy tym zaznaczyć, że korzyści z wykorzystania wyrafinowanego, dedykowanego zapachu w miejscach sprzedaży są obopólne – zyskują na tym zarówno Klienci, jak i właścicieli firm. Ci pierwsi robią bowiem zakupy w miłej atmosferze, otoczeni nutami pięknej, pobudzającej zmysły woni. Właściciele firm mogą natomiast zanotować, dzięki temu rozwiązaniu, wzrost sprzedaży. Z tych powodów warto jest rozważyć wykorzystanie AROMAMARKETINGU w swoim biznesie. Jest to bowiem flagowy element każdego nowoczesnego punktu sprzedaży.


There are many positive aspects of SENSORY MARKETING usage in a commercial facility. These include, among others: building a pleasant atmosphere, strengthening the Customer’s attachment to the brand, more frequent returns of the Consumer to the point of sale and extending the time of stay in it, creating a sensory logo of the brand or a number of positive associations with a company. As it turns out, the use of AROMAMARKETING, which is one of the services in the field of SENSORY MARKETING, can also be reflected in the amount that the Customer spends on shopping.

As the results of the study carried out by Scent Air, show that 59% of consumers would spend more money in a place that was pleasantly scented. It is worth noting that the benefits of using a sophisticated, dedicated fragrance in a shopping facility are reciprocal – both Customers and business owners benefit. The Clients are shopping in a pleasant atmosphere, surrounded by a beautiful, stimulating senses. On the other hand, business owners can note an increase in sales thanks to this solution. Therefore, it is worth considering using AROMAMARKETING in your business. It is the very important element of every modern point of sale.


There are many positive aspects of SENSORY MARKETING usage in a commercial facility. These include, among others: building a pleasant atmosphere, strengthening the Customer’s attachment to the brand, more frequent returns of the Consumer to the point of sale and extending the time of stay in it, creating a sensory logo of the brand or a number of positive associations with a company. As it turns out, the use of AROMAMARKETING, which is one of the services in the field of SENSORY MARKETING, can also be reflected in the amount that the Customer spends on shopping.

As the results of the study carried out by Scent Air, show that 59% of consumers would spend more money in a place that was pleasantly scented. It is worth noting that the benefits of using a sophisticated, dedicated fragrance in a shopping facility are reciprocal – both Customers and business owners benefit. The Clients are shopping in a pleasant atmosphere, surrounded by a beautiful, stimulating senses. On the other hand, business owners can note an increase in sales thanks to this solution. Therefore, it is worth considering using AROMAMARKETING in your business. It is the very important element of every modern point of sale.


There are many positive aspects of SENSORY MARKETING usage in a commercial facility. These include, among others: building a pleasant atmosphere, strengthening the Customer’s attachment to the brand, more frequent returns of the Consumer to the point of sale and extending the time of stay in it, creating a sensory logo of the brand or a number of positive associations with a company. As it turns out, the use of AROMAMARKETING, which is one of the services in the field of SENSORY MARKETING, can also be reflected in the amount that the Customer spends on shopping.

As the results of the study carried out by Scent Air, show that 59% of consumers would spend more money in a place that was pleasantly scented. It is worth noting that the benefits of using a sophisticated, dedicated fragrance in a shopping facility are reciprocal – both Customers and business owners benefit. The Clients are shopping in a pleasant atmosphere, surrounded by a beautiful, stimulating senses. On the other hand, business owners can note an increase in sales thanks to this solution. Therefore, it is worth considering using AROMAMARKETING in your business. It is the very important element of every modern point of sale.


Sklepy Jysk stawiają na Audiomarketing od IMS S.A.


Jest nam niezmiernie miło poinformować, że stworzona przez naszych Specjalistów unikatowa playlista, rozbrzmiewa już w 223 sklepach JYSK. Przedstawiciele IMS S.A., oprócz przygotowania wyjątkowej oprawy muzycznej, wykonali także kompleksową usługę instalacji nagłośnienia w obiektach tej sieci. Nasi Specjaliści programują także spoty emitowane w salonach JYSK, w których komunikowane są aktualne oferty produktów tej marki.

Tworząc oprawę muzyczną sklepów JYSK, uwzględniliśmy gust Klientów tej marki oraz jej aktualną strategię biznesową. Ze względu na wysoką jakość świadczonych przez nas usług, Przedstawiciele firmy JYSK podjęli decyzję o kontynuowaniu współpracy z naszą Spółką przez kolejne lata.

AUDIOMARKETING od IMS S.A. jest jedną z oferowanych przez nas usług z zakresu MARKETINGU SENSORYCZNEGO. Polega na tworzeniu unikatowej, szytej na miarę oprawy muzycznej, pasującej do charakteru danej marki oraz korespondującej z jej celami biznesowymi.

JYSK to międzynarodowa sieć handlowa, która sprzedaje „wszystko dla domu”. Jest ona własnością założyciela, Larsa Larsena, który jest znany w całej Danii jako najlepszy sprzedawca z „wyjątkową ofertą”.  W Polsce JYSK istnieje od 2000 roku. W sklepach tej marki rocznie zakupy robi ponad 11,5 miliona Polaków.

Poniżej publikujemy List Referencyjny od Pana Roberta Kruszyńskiego – Facility Managera JYSK.

Źródło: JYSK


We are pleased to inform you that the unique playlist created by our Specialists is already playing in 223 JYSK stores. The representatives of IMS S.A., in addition to preparing a unique musical setting, also provided a comprehensive sound installation service in the facilities of this network. Our specialists also program spots broadcast in JYSK stores, in which current product offers of this brand are communicated.

When creating the music for JYSK stores, we took into account the taste of the Customers of this brand and its current business strategy. Due to the high quality of our services, Representatives of the JYSK company decided to continue cooperation with our Company for the next years.

AUDIOMARKETING from IMS S.A. is one of the services offered by us in the field of SENSORY MARKETING. It is about creating a unique, tailor-made musical setting that matches the character of a brand and corresponds to its business goals.

JYSK is an international retail chain that sells “everything for the home”. It is owned by the founder, Lars Larsen, who is known throughout Denmark as the best seller with a “unique offer”. JYSK has existed in Poland since 2000. Over 11.5 million Poles make purchases every year in the stores of this brand.


We are pleased to inform you that the unique playlist created by our Specialists is already playing in 223 JYSK stores. The representatives of IMS S.A., in addition to preparing a unique musical setting, also provided a comprehensive sound installation service in the facilities of this network. Our specialists also program spots broadcast in JYSK stores, in which current product offers of this brand are communicated.

When creating the music for JYSK stores, we took into account the taste of the Customers of this brand and its current business strategy. Due to the high quality of our services, Representatives of the JYSK company decided to continue cooperation with our Company for the next years.

AUDIOMARKETING from IMS S.A. is one of the services offered by us in the field of SENSORY MARKETING. It is about creating a unique, tailor-made musical setting that matches the character of a brand and corresponds to its business goals.

JYSK is an international retail chain that sells “everything for the home”. It is owned by the founder, Lars Larsen, who is known throughout Denmark as the best seller with a “unique offer”. JYSK has existed in Poland since 2000. Over 11.5 million Poles make purchases every year in the stores of this brand.


We are pleased to inform you that the unique playlist created by our Specialists is already playing in 223 JYSK stores. The representatives of IMS S.A., in addition to preparing a unique musical setting, also provided a comprehensive sound installation service in the facilities of this network. Our specialists also program spots broadcast in JYSK stores, in which current product offers of this brand are communicated.

When creating the music for JYSK stores, we took into account the taste of the Customers of this brand and its current business strategy. Due to the high quality of our services, Representatives of the JYSK company decided to continue cooperation with our Company for the next years.

AUDIOMARKETING from IMS S.A. is one of the services offered by us in the field of SENSORY MARKETING. It is about creating a unique, tailor-made musical setting that matches the character of a brand and corresponds to its business goals.

JYSK is an international retail chain that sells “everything for the home”. It is owned by the founder, Lars Larsen, who is known throughout Denmark as the best seller with a “unique offer”. JYSK has existed in Poland since 2000. Over 11.5 million Poles make purchases every year in the stores of this brand.


Czy Aromamarketing może wpływać na zadowolenie z posiłku?


Okazuje się, że AROMAMARKETING nie tylko buduje miłą atmosferę, wydłuża czas pobytu Klientów w obiekcie handlowym czy wpływa na wzrost sprzedaży, ale zwiększa również satysfakcję z jedzenia. Jak pokazują badania przeprowadzone na zlecenie Scent Air, oprawa zapachowa zastosowana w przestrzeni restauracyjnej może przyczynić się do wzrostu zadowolenia z posiłku aż o 8%.

AROMAMARKETING to usługa profesjonalnego dobierania kompozycji zapachowych, mająca na celu podkreślenie charakteru marki. Przy jej wdrożeniu uwzględnia się warunki w obiekcie handlowym. Restauracje są pod tym względem wyjątkowe, bowiem po brzegi wypełnione są zapachami posiłków. Jednak i w tak wymagających warunkach warto skorzystać z rozwiązań MARKETINGU SENSORYCZNEGO.

Specjaliści IMS S.A. dobierają nuty zapachowe tak, aby idealnie korespondowały z marką, pozytywnie wpływały na emocje, ale też zachowywały swój wyjątkowy charakter, nawet w towarzystwie charakterystycznych dla danej przestrzeni zapachów.


It turns out that AROMAMARKETING not only builds a nice atmosphere, extends the duration of customers’ stay in a shopping center or increases sales, but also increases food satisfaction. As the research commissioned by Scent Air shows, a scented luminaire used in a restaurant space can increase meal satisfaction by as much as 8%.

AROMAMARKETING is a service of professional selection of fragrance compositions, aimed at emphasizing the character of the brand. Its implementation takes into account, among others conditions in the shopping center. Restaurants are unique in this respect, because they are filled with the smells of meals. However, even in such demanding conditions it is worth using the SENSORY MARKETING solutions.

IMS S.A. specialists they choose scent notes so that they perfectly correspond with the brand, positively affect emotions, but also retain their unique character, even in the company of the aromas characteristic of a given space.


It turns out that AROMAMARKETING not only builds a nice atmosphere, extends the duration of customers’ stay in a shopping center or increases sales, but also increases food satisfaction. As the research commissioned by Scent Air shows, a scented luminaire used in a restaurant space can increase meal satisfaction by as much as 8%.

AROMAMARKETING is a service of professional selection of fragrance compositions, aimed at emphasizing the character of the brand. Its implementation takes into account, among others conditions in the shopping center. Restaurants are unique in this respect, because they are filled with the smells of meals. However, even in such demanding conditions it is worth using the SENSORY MARKETING solutions.

IMS S.A. specialists they choose scent notes so that they perfectly correspond with the brand, positively affect emotions, but also retain their unique character, even in the company of the aromas characteristic of a given space.


It turns out that AROMAMARKETING not only builds a nice atmosphere, extends the duration of customers’ stay in a shopping center or increases sales, but also increases food satisfaction. As the research commissioned by Scent Air shows, a scented luminaire used in a restaurant space can increase meal satisfaction by as much as 8%.

AROMAMARKETING is a service of professional selection of fragrance compositions, aimed at emphasizing the character of the brand. Its implementation takes into account, among others conditions in the shopping center. Restaurants are unique in this respect, because they are filled with the smells of meals. However, even in such demanding conditions it is worth using the SENSORY MARKETING solutions.

IMS S.A. specialists they choose scent notes so that they perfectly correspond with the brand, positively affect emotions, but also retain their unique character, even in the company of the aromas characteristic of a given space.


Wyjątkowa kompozycja zapachowa w salonach Gino Rossi


Wyszukana drzewno-korzenna kompozycja zapachowa, z nutami cytrusowymi, cynamonu i słodyczą wanilii będzie tworzyć wyjątkową, sensoryczną oprawę marki GINO ROSSI. W 62 salonach obuwniczych tego prestiżowego brandu wdrożyliśmy szytą na miarę usługę AROMAMARKETINGU. Starannie dobrana oprawa zapachowa podkreśla charakter i prestiż marki GINO ROSSI, dzięki czemu idealnie wpisuję się w jej strategię.

Warto zaznaczyć, że jest to kolejny obszar długoletniej współpracy między IMS S.A. a firmą CCC, do której należy marka GINO ROSSI. Od 2006 r. jesteśmy bowiem stałym dostawcą usług z zakresu MARKETINGU SENSORYCZNEGO tej Spółki.

Usługa AROMAMARKETINGU, którą oferujemy, ma za zadanie stworzyć sensoryczną wizytówkę firmy, poprzez pozytywne pobudzanie zmysłów i emocji Klientów. Efektem jest większe przywiązanie Konsumentów do marki oraz miła i przyjemna atmosfera w miejscu sprzedaży.

GINO ROSSI to marka, pod której szyldem projektowane i produkowane jest wyjątkowe obuwie oraz akcesoria według włoskiej szkoły stylistycznej. GINO ROSSI jest synonimem elegancji, szyku i modnego wzornictwa. Marka ta zapracowała sobie na taką opinię doskonałą znajomością najnowszych trendów w modzie i kreatywnym spojrzeniem na klasykę. Dziś jest jednym z najwyżej cenionych polskich brandów w segmencie produkcji i sprzedaży obuwia oraz akcesoriów najlepszej jakości.

Poniżej publikujemy List Referencyjny od Pani Iwony Stępniak – Kierownik Działu Marketingu CCC.

Źródło: Gino Rossi
Źródło: Gino Rossi


A sophisticated woody-spicy fragrance composition with citrus, cinnamon and vanilla sweetness will create a unique, sensory setting in GINO ROSSI stores. We have implemented a tailor-made AROMAMARKETING service in 62 shoe stores of this prestigious brand. Carefully selected fragrance emphasizes the character and prestige of the GINO ROSSI brand, thanks to which it perfectly fits into its strategy.

It is worth noting that this is another area of ​​long-term cooperation between IMS S.A. and the CCC company, which owns the GINO ROSSI brand. Since 2006, we have been a regular supplier of SENSORY MARKETING services for this company.

The AROMAMARKETING service that we offer is designed to create a sensory logo of the company, by positively stimulating the senses and emotions of customers. The effect is, among others, greater consumer attachment to the brand and a nice and more pleasant atmosphere at the point of sale.

GINO ROSSI is a brand under which unique footwear and accessories according to the Italian stylistic school are designed and manufactured. GINO ROSSI is synonymous with elegance, style and fashionable design. This brand has earned such an opinion with excellent knowledge of the latest fashion trends and a creative look at the classics. Today it is one of the most valued Polish brands in the segment of production and sale of footwear and accessories of the best quality.

Źródło: Gino Rossi


A sophisticated woody-spicy fragrance composition with citrus, cinnamon and vanilla sweetness will create a unique, sensory setting in GINO ROSSI stores. We have implemented a tailor-made AROMAMARKETING service in 62 shoe stores of this prestigious brand. Carefully selected fragrance emphasizes the character and prestige of the GINO ROSSI brand, thanks to which it perfectly fits into its strategy.

It is worth noting that this is another area of ​​long-term cooperation between IMS S.A. and the CCC company, which owns the GINO ROSSI brand. Since 2006, we have been a regular supplier of SENSORY MARKETING services for this company.

The AROMAMARKETING service that we offer is designed to create a sensory logo of the company, by positively stimulating the senses and emotions of customers. The effect is, among others, greater consumer attachment to the brand and a nice and more pleasant atmosphere at the point of sale.

GINO ROSSI is a brand under which unique footwear and accessories according to the Italian stylistic school are designed and manufactured. GINO ROSSI is synonymous with elegance, style and fashionable design. This brand has earned such an opinion with excellent knowledge of the latest fashion trends and a creative look at the classics. Today it is one of the most valued Polish brands in the segment of production and sale of footwear and accessories of the best quality.

Źródło: Gino Rossi


A sophisticated woody-spicy fragrance composition with citrus, cinnamon and vanilla sweetness will create a unique, sensory setting in GINO ROSSI stores. We have implemented a tailor-made AROMAMARKETING service in 62 shoe stores of this prestigious brand. Carefully selected fragrance emphasizes the character and prestige of the GINO ROSSI brand, thanks to which it perfectly fits into its strategy.

It is worth noting that this is another area of ​​long-term cooperation between IMS S.A. and the CCC company, which owns the GINO ROSSI brand. Since 2006, we have been a regular supplier of SENSORY MARKETING services for this company.

The AROMAMARKETING service that we offer is designed to create a sensory logo of the company, by positively stimulating the senses and emotions of customers. The effect is, among others, greater consumer attachment to the brand and a nice and more pleasant atmosphere at the point of sale.

GINO ROSSI is a brand under which unique footwear and accessories according to the Italian stylistic school are designed and manufactured. GINO ROSSI is synonymous with elegance, style and fashionable design. This brand has earned such an opinion with excellent knowledge of the latest fashion trends and a creative look at the classics. Today it is one of the most valued Polish brands in the segment of production and sale of footwear and accessories of the best quality.

Źródło: Gino Rossi


Salony Tatuum z usługą Audiomarketingu od IMS S.A.


W 61 salonach marki TATUUM w całej Polsce, została wdrożona usługa AUDIOMARKETINGU od IMS S.A. Indywidualny Format Muzyczny został opracowany przez Specjalistów IMS S.A. posiadających dużą wiedzę i doświadczenie w swojej pracy. Playlista uwzględnia aktualną strategię i prestiż marki TATUUM, wyjątkowy charakter jej salonów, jak również preferencje muzyczne Klientów. Usługa AUDIOMARKETINGU ma na celu stworzenie jeszcze przyjemniejszej atmosfery, zbudowanie sensorycznego logo i zachęcenie Klientów do jak najczęstszych powrotów.

TATUUM jest kolejną ważną i wyjątkową marką, która dołączyła do grona Klientów IMS S.A. korzystających z usługi AUDIOMARKETINGU. Usługa ta polega na stworzeniu za pomocą dedykowanych playlist, oprawy dźwiękowej idealnie korespondującej z charakterem firmy oraz gustem Klientów.

TATUUM to polska marka, która od ponad 20 lat tworzy kolekcje ubrań i akcesoriów dla kobiet i mężczyzn ceniących rzeczy piękne, wysokiej jakości, naturalne i komfortowe. Posiada salony w w całej Polsce, jak również w Czechach i na Węgrzech.

Źródło: Tatuum
Źródło: Tatuum


AUDIOMARKETING service from IMS S.A. has been implemented in 61 TATUUM stores across Poland. The Individual Music Format was developed by ours music Specialists who have extensive knowledge and experience in their work. The playlist takes into account the current strategy and prestige of the TATUUM brand, the unique nature of its stores, as well as the musical preferences of customers. The AUDIOMARKETING service aims to create an even more pleasant atmosphere, build a sensory logo and encourage Customers to return more often.

TATUUM is another important and unique brand that has joined the group of IMS S.A. clients using the AUDIOMARKETING service. This service consists in using dedicated playlists that corresponds perfectly with the character of the company and the taste of customers.

TATUUM is a Polish brand that has been creating clothes and accessories collections for women and men who value beautiful, high quality, natural and comfortable things, for over 20 years. It has showrooms throughout Poland, as well as in the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Źródło: Tatuum
Source: Tatuum


AUDIOMARKETING service from IMS S.A. has been implemented in 61 TATUUM stores across Poland. The Individual Music Format was developed by ours music Specialists who have extensive knowledge and experience in their work. The playlist takes into account the current strategy and prestige of the TATUUM brand, the unique nature of its stores, as well as the musical preferences of customers. The AUDIOMARKETING service aims to create an even more pleasant atmosphere, build a sensory logo and encourage Customers to return more often.

TATUUM is another important and unique brand that has joined the group of IMS S.A. clients using the AUDIOMARKETING service. This service consists in using dedicated playlists that corresponds perfectly with the character of the company and the taste of customers.

TATUUM is a Polish brand that has been creating clothes and accessories collections for women and men who value beautiful, high quality, natural and comfortable things, for over 20 years. It has showrooms throughout Poland, as well as in the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Źródło: Tatuum
Source: Tatuum


AUDIOMARKETING service from IMS S.A. has been implemented in 61 TATUUM stores across Poland. The Individual Music Format was developed by ours music Specialists who have extensive knowledge and experience in their work. The playlist takes into account the current strategy and prestige of the TATUUM brand, the unique nature of its stores, as well as the musical preferences of customers. The AUDIOMARKETING service aims to create an even more pleasant atmosphere, build a sensory logo and encourage Customers to return more often.

TATUUM is another important and unique brand that has joined the group of IMS S.A. clients using the AUDIOMARKETING service. This service consists in using dedicated playlists that corresponds perfectly with the character of the company and the taste of customers.

TATUUM is a Polish brand that has been creating clothes and accessories collections for women and men who value beautiful, high quality, natural and comfortable things, for over 20 years. It has showrooms throughout Poland, as well as in the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Źródło: Tatuum
Source: Tatuum


Salony Eurofirany z wyrafinowaną oprawą zapachową od IMS S.A.


EUROFIRANY to kolejna wyjątkowa marka, która dołączyła do grona Klientów IMS S.A. korzystających z usługi AROMAMARKETINGU. W dwudziestu lokalizacjach sieci zainstalowaliśmy wyrafinowany zapach liści bambusa z akcentem skórki limonki. Wyszukane nuty zapachowe podkreślają prestiż sklepów oraz zachęcają KLIENTÓW do dłuższego spędzania w nich czasu i częstych powrotów. Zastosowanie usługi AROMAMARKETINGU w salonach EUROFIRANY świetnie pasuje do charakteru marki dostarczającej produkty budujące wyjątkową atmosferę każdego wnętrza.

AROMAMARKETING to jedna z wielu usług z portfolio IMS S.A. budujących sensoryczne logo marek oraz wyjątkową atmosferę w miejscach sprzedaży. Nasi doświadczeni eksperci każdorazowo z ogromną pieczołowitością dobierają zapach, tak aby idealnie oddawał charakter brandu oraz korespondował z profilem jego Klientów.

EUROFIRANY to firma z branży home&decor zajmująca się produkcją wyjątkowych artykułów dekoracyjnych i wyposażenia: jadalni, salonu, kuchni, łazienki oraz sypialni. Posiada sklepy w wielu miastach w Polsce. Produkty tej marki można również kupić w sklepie

Salon Eurofirany
Salon Eurofirany


EUROFIRANY is another unique brand that has joined the group of clients of IMS S.A. using the AROMAMARKETING service. We installed a sophisticated bamboo leaf aroma with a lime peel accent in twenty network locations. Sophisticated fragrance notes emphasize the prestige of stores and encourage CUSTOMERS to spend longer time in them and frequent returns. The use of the AROMAMARKETING service in EUROFIRANY showrooms perfectly matches the character of the brand providing products that build a unique atmosphere in any interior.

AROMAMARKETING is one of many services from the portfolio of IMS S.A. building sensory brand logos and a unique atmosphere at sales points. Our experienced experts always choose the fragrance with great care so that it perfectly reflects the character of the brand and corresponds with the profile of its customers.

EUROFIRANY is a company from the home & decor industry dealing in the production of unique decorative articles and equipment: dining room, living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. EUROFIRANY has stores in many cities in Poland. You can also buy this brand’s products at


EUROFIRANY is another unique brand that has joined the group of clients of IMS S.A. using the AROMAMARKETING service. We installed a sophisticated bamboo leaf aroma with a lime peel accent in twenty network locations. Sophisticated fragrance notes emphasize the prestige of stores and encourage CUSTOMERS to spend longer time in them and frequent returns. The use of the AROMAMARKETING service in EUROFIRANY showrooms perfectly matches the character of the brand providing products that build a unique atmosphere in any interior.

AROMAMARKETING is one of many services from the portfolio of IMS S.A. building sensory brand logos and a unique atmosphere at sales points. Our experienced experts always choose the fragrance with great care so that it perfectly reflects the character of the brand and corresponds with the profile of its customers.

EUROFIRANY is a company from the home & decor industry dealing in the production of unique decorative articles and equipment: dining room, living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. EUROFIRANY has stores in many cities in Poland. You can also buy this brand’s products at


EUROFIRANY is another unique brand that has joined the group of clients of IMS S.A. using the AROMAMARKETING service. We installed a sophisticated bamboo leaf aroma with a lime peel accent in twenty network locations. Sophisticated fragrance notes emphasize the prestige of stores and encourage CUSTOMERS to spend longer time in them and frequent returns. The use of the AROMAMARKETING service in EUROFIRANY showrooms perfectly matches the character of the brand providing products that build a unique atmosphere in any interior.

AROMAMARKETING is one of many services from the portfolio of IMS S.A. building sensory brand logos and a unique atmosphere at sales points. Our experienced experts always choose the fragrance with great care so that it perfectly reflects the character of the brand and corresponds with the profile of its customers.

EUROFIRANY is a company from the home & decor industry dealing in the production of unique decorative articles and equipment: dining room, living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. EUROFIRANY has stores in many cities in Poland. You can also buy this brand’s products at


Analitycy zwrócili uwagę na potężny potencjał naszych bibliotek muzycznych


Analitycy zwrócili uwagę na potężny potencjał naszych BIBLIOTEK MUZYCZNYCH w perspektywie 2-3 lat. Ich tworzenie jest jednym ze strategicznych projektów IMS S.A. Sprzedaż licencji do nich może stać się bowiem ważnym segmentem działalności naszej spółki, który generować może znaczne przychody.

Warto dodać, że IMS S.A. to spółka rzetelnie podchodząca do akcjonariuszy, skrupulatnie dbająca o prowadzenie z nimi komunikacji na najwyższym poziomie, terminowe, coroczne wypłaty dywidendy oraz skup akcji.

Więcej na ten temat przeczytacie Państwo tutaj.


Jak wykorzystuje się marketing sensoryczny w sklepach internetowych?


MARKETING SENSORYCZNY nie jest domeną wyłącznie sklepów stacjonarnych, różne jego formy zauważyć możemy także w internecie. Jedną z nich jest muzyka włączana automatycznie po wejściu na stronę. Rozwiązanie to, niegdyś szalenie popularne, dziś jest coraz rzadziej spotykane – jak mówi Patrycja Ogrodnik w wywiadzie dla PayU – ze względu na, jak się okazało, swój irytujący charakter.

Innym, zdecydowanie skuteczniejszym elementem MARKETINGU ZMYSŁÓW jest wykorzystanie odpowiednich barw, korespondujących z charakterem strony oraz efektem, jaki chcemy uzyskać. Wpływają one bowiem na nasze uczucia i emocje.

  • Żółty – to barwa radości, idealna do sklepów z artykułami dziecięcymi lub związanych z turystyką.
  • Jasnoniebieski – to kolor odpowiedni dla tradycjonalistów, zainteresowanych zakupem ubrań.
  • Pomarańczowy i czerwony – to barwy odpowiednie dla osób o spontanicznym usposobieniu, chętnych do korzystania z promocji.
  • Zielony – to kolor przywodzący na myśl naturę i bezpieczeństwo, odpowiedni dla firm, które chcą budzić zaufanie lub związanych z produktami ekologicznymi.
  • Granatowy – to kolor odpowiedni dla osób ceniących sobie uczciwość i stabilność, które oszczędnie gospodarują budżetem.
  • Czarny – to barwa elegancji i siły, idealna dla stron z dobrami luksusowymi.

MARKETING SENSORYCZNY jest najskuteczniejszy, jeśli oddziałuje w pozytywny sposób na wiele zmysłów Klienta. Jak pokazują badania Walnut Unlimited, 78% ankietowanych jest skorych zrobić zakupy w sklepie stacjonarnym, zamiast przez internet, jeśli obiekt handlowy urzekł ich swoją miłą atmosferą. A buduje się ją wykorzystując najnowocześniejsze rozwiązania AUDIOMARKETINGU, AROMAMARKETINGU oraz DIGITAL SIGNAGE. Warto w tym obszarze zaufać profesjonalistom, którzy za pomocą narzędzi MARKETINGU SENSORYCZNEGO potrafią stworzyć unikalne, sensoryczne logo marki oraz klimat wpływający zarówno na komfort Klienta, jak i na wzrost sprzedaży.

Źródła: / the global market research agency specializing in neuroscience and behavioral psycholgy and economics / Global Research Report / January 2019.


SENSORY MARKETING is not only the domain of stationary stores, various forms can also be seen on the internet. One of them is the music turned on automatically when you enter the website. This solution, extremely popular in the past, is now less common – as Patrycja Ogrodnik says in an interview with PayU – due to its annoying nature.

Another, definitely more effective element of SENSE MARKETING is the use of appropriate colors, corresponding to the nature of the page and the effect we want to achieve. An interesting fact is that they affect our feelings and emotions.

  • Yellow – is a color of joy, ideal for shops with children’s or tourism-related items.
  • Light blue – is a color suitable for traditionalists interested in buying clothes.
  • Orange and red – these are colors suitable for people with a spontaneous disposition, willing to use the promotion.
  • Green – is a color that reminds you of nature and safety, suitable for companies that want to inspire trust or related to organic products.
  • Navy blue – a color suitable for people who value honesty and stability, who manage their budget sparingly.
  • Black – this is a color of elegance and strength, ideal for websites with luxury goods.

SENSORY MARKETING is most effective if it has a positive effect on many of the client’s senses. As Walnut Unlimited research shows, 78% of respondents are willing to shop in a stationary store, instead of online, if the retail facility captivated them with its nice atmosphere. This kind of atmposphere is built using the latest solutions of AUDIOMARKETING, AROMAMARKETING and DIGITAL SIGNAGE. SENSORY MARKETING tools, can create a unique, sensory brand logo and climate that affects both customer comfort and sales growth.


SENSORY MARKETING is not only the domain of stationary stores, various forms can also be seen on the internet. One of them is the music turned on automatically when you enter the website. This solution, extremely popular in the past, is now less common – as Patrycja Ogrodnik says in an interview with PayU – due to its annoying nature.

Another, definitely more effective element of SENSE MARKETING is the use of appropriate colors, corresponding to the nature of the page and the effect we want to achieve. An interesting fact is that they affect our feelings and emotions.

  • Yellow – is a color of joy, ideal for shops with children’s or tourism-related items.
  • Light blue – is a color suitable for traditionalists interested in buying clothes.
  • Orange and red – these are colors suitable for people with a spontaneous disposition, willing to use the promotion.
  • Green – is a color that reminds you of nature and safety, suitable for companies that want to inspire trust or related to organic products.
  • Navy blue – a color suitable for people who value honesty and stability, who manage their budget sparingly.
  • Black – this is a color of elegance and strength, ideal for websites with luxury goods.

SENSORY MARKETING is most effective if it has a positive effect on many of the client’s senses. As Walnut Unlimited research shows, 78% of respondents are willing to shop in a stationary store, instead of online, if the retail facility captivated them with its nice atmosphere. This kind of atmposphere is built using the latest solutions of AUDIOMARKETING, AROMAMARKETING and DIGITAL SIGNAGE. SENSORY MARKETING tools, can create a unique, sensory brand logo and climate that affects both customer comfort and sales growth.


SENSORY MARKETING is not only the domain of stationary stores, various forms can also be seen on the internet. One of them is the music turned on automatically when you enter the website. This solution, extremely popular in the past, is now less common – as Patrycja Ogrodnik says in an interview with PayU – due to its annoying nature.

Another, definitely more effective element of SENSE MARKETING is the use of appropriate colors, corresponding to the nature of the page and the effect we want to achieve. An interesting fact is that they affect our feelings and emotions.

  • Yellow – is a color of joy, ideal for shops with children’s or tourism-related items.
  • Light blue – is a color suitable for traditionalists interested in buying clothes.
  • Orange and red – these are colors suitable for people with a spontaneous disposition, willing to use the promotion.
  • Green – is a color that reminds you of nature and safety, suitable for companies that want to inspire trust or related to organic products.
  • Navy blue – a color suitable for people who value honesty and stability, who manage their budget sparingly.
  • Black – this is a color of elegance and strength, ideal for websites with luxury goods.

SENSORY MARKETING is most effective if it has a positive effect on many of the client’s senses. As Walnut Unlimited research shows, 78% of respondents are willing to shop in a stationary store, instead of online, if the retail facility captivated them with its nice atmosphere. This kind of atmposphere is built using the latest solutions of AUDIOMARKETING, AROMAMARKETING and DIGITAL SIGNAGE. SENSORY MARKETING tools, can create a unique, sensory brand logo and climate that affects both customer comfort and sales growth.
